
I will quietly voice my support. While I agree cars need to be safe, I know there will be no half measure like you speak of. Here in MA, I’ve watched inspections grow from simple safety, through emissions and dyno tests up to California emissions. Once the local muckety mucks get a taste of the sweet expired sticker

I fucking hate people.

I love Icon and the work Mr Ward does...


Offer car people want. Raise price so nobody wants it. Kill car due to lack of demand. Genius.

Not too busy, but just didn’t want to:

I’ll offer this ray of hope. Probably won’t get out of the greys, but it’s worth saying.

“Royal Towing, the towing company involved, has called and apologized to Montgomery, and offered to pay to have the transmission serviced, but wanted the videos taken offline.”


Malcolm Gladwell had a great podcast this summer on why nobody in the NBA shoots underhand free throws, even if it would definitely help their percentage. Worth a listen

There, fixed it for you.

That’s logical. Maybe I just hung out with smarter people. A friend saved $2000 because he bought a Mazda pickup instead of a Ranger. Said the thing was about 90% Ranger anyway.

all the stars for understanding government is people with the same motivations as people elsewhere.

Neutral: “Hey Ford, still interested?”

Just thinking that. It could also be FC-VAGNA (Fiat-Chrysler-Volkswagen North America)

lol you inferred the rotary isn’t an oil burner.

Well, colour me surprised.

These must have been the only 15 IPAs available to sample. Because there is no way a lot of these belong in any top 15 list.