Can’t afford and not willing to pay for shouldn’t be mixed up.
Can’t afford and not willing to pay for shouldn’t be mixed up.
To be fair about it, the fact that it will be a 4-cyl, RWD, 6MT car is pretty compelling if they keep the price reasonable, IMO. The fact of the matter is that there isn’t a ton of competition there aside from BMW (having trouble thinking of another). This probably means the prices hedge towards Bavaria rather than…
“You know, it’s almost like someone at Genesis knew that us enthusiast nutjobs would be most interested in the manual option, so they gave it some enthusiast features. That’s neat.”
*accidentally puts car in reverse, runs over a kitty kid*
Is there enough room under the hood to install a push-rod V8? Also, is there enough room in the driver foot well and on the firewall to trim the brake pedal and install an additional pedal to the left?
“I’ve never in my life had fun in a car.” Jonathan, that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever read on this website, and I edit David Tracy on a daily basis.”
We should ban stupid internet videos because stupid people will mimic the stupid things they watch on videos, which are made by other stupid people.
You missed the worst part... No chance for another blue plate, that is unless you pay for an upgraded plate (former Kindle Fire).
All the stars. This is a clear example of how regulations fail because they often have too narrow of a focus. Uber is a market response to regulation in places like NYC, not the cause of a taxi driver’s misfortune.
I guess in your world, nothing is stopping an auto manufacturer from (simply) making a car/truck that gets 50 mpg. The problem I see, is that few will buy it if something more flashy with more options, more power and better looks is available for less money (even though it would probably get less mileage). The point…
I am frankly surprised to be reading such a ridiculous complaint on this site (then again, I probably shouldn’t be surprised about reading anything on the interwebs).
I feel like if you two had also included the ballooing cost of vehicles as well as the addition interest paid since everyone is taking 6 - 9 year loans now the costs would look even more accelerated. Of course correction for inflation would hurt the story a bit as well.
didn’t he use bubble gum, tape and some other random shit to hold the wheel to the hub?
The humor here is seeing how someone completely ignorant of a topic can be critical of it and actually think more of himself for it...
I was at this game last night/this morning (which only ended about 6 hours ago). It was pretty entertaining and the goalies were stellar - particularly the Phantom’s minder. The fact is that 80% of the game was played in LV’s zone. The Checkers had tons of opportunities to score and many more missed shots than the…
Those are just details. Don’t pay any attention to the details. Just pay for a backup camera in your new car instead.
So if the camera does a better job than me (since I’m clearly an idiot for not using one, based on what you insinuate), does it make one a super-idiot if they have a camera and STILL back into things?
It’s funny... If you google “do backup cameras reduce accidents?” you get something like 10 news articles claiming they don’t reduce accidents and 1 IIHS article that says they do. Most are from 2016. Makes me wonder what the real story is. I drive a 1993 Honda as a daily driver and have yet to back over anything, let…
crap... sorry. This one.
Furthermore, it is completely stupid that we are now required to pay for this technology. It all stemmed from a person backing over their own child and then going through a local representative to push towards a law. This was all in an effort to deflect how stupid one must feel for running over your own child.