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    Thanks for the report. The DOT has pretty strict regulations on the beam pattern and brightness of lights so that you don’t blind oncoming traffic. A brighter light is no good if oncoming traffic continually flashes you to drop your high beams when the lows are already on. Also, you’re side-by-side comparison of the

    Why should the govt. get any money at all from the unfortunate ignition switch incident? Any “fine” belongs to the victims and the families of the victims.

    FCA must be fuming mad. Hell, I’d be mad if I had to buy only one Chrysler; let alone 180,000 of them.

    That BD-5 is a Rutan design also.

    Radar is an important component of fully or even partially autonomous cars. I’ve seen impressive demonstrations of autonomous driving but only when one car is autonomous. What will happen when many autonomous cars are on the road at the same time. What will keep their radars from interfering with one another?

    If you get up for work in time, you don’t need to go 200mph.

    Good Lord! Mud?! At what altitude?!

    Ideally, roads should be taxed not only on the amount of use but where used and when used. For example, high-use roads to city centers should command a higher tax than low-use rural roads, and high-use roads at rush hours should have the highest fees of all. This discourages use of the expensive roads at the most

    I'm having a hard time deciding which camp I hate more: TADA for their crony-capitalist doublespeak, or crony-capitalist flim-flam man Elon Musk. I would remove half my curse on Tesla if they would introduce a bill that would truly allow us all to buy any kind of vehicle (cars, motorcycles, scooters) directly from

    Lane splitting is legal all over the world for motorcyclists. It's also legal in CA.

    They also make electroluminescent visors for motorcyclists that change from dark to light at the push of a button. Why couldn't this tech be applied to all the windows in a car? You could sure make things a lot cooler on hot days and still snap it clear for tunnels or cops.

    I think they're circling around in a continuous loop to make their numbers appear bigger. I thought I saw the same deer twice.

    This is union propaganda. You don't create more wealth by paying people more money. If that were the case we could make the minimum wage $1000/hr and make everyone wealthy. The rise of the middle class is due to increased productivity due mainly to more machines, including the advanced machines—robotics—you fear, and

    Not that I would ever buy a Tesla, but Go Tesla! At least on this issue. I would love to be able to bypass the dealer. They offer "services" I neither need nor want and add a big markup to the cars and motorcycles I buy.

    True. Car dealerships use time to wear you down in the negotiation process. Make time work in your favor by showing up one hour before closing time when everyone is tired and wants to go home.

    With that much fuel load, there probably is no Vr. He flies straight down the runway and depends on the curvature of the earth to gain altitude.

    That circuit is kind of a rube goldberg design. It doesn't look like the CD4011 is needed at all. And you wouldn't need the big power MOSFET if you operated the headlight relay(s) instead of the headlights directly.

    I'm confused by the dyno chart. The blue line is obviously torque. What does the black line represent? Is the black line HP? If so, the stated HP doesn't match up to any scale on the chart which shows torque values on both sides.

    The good news, I suppose is that modern cars are more crash worthy.

    He's morally handicapped. That should be good enough to park in the handicapped spot without penalty.