
What about just ending the game in a g*dd*mn tie? If it’s still tied after 12 innings, call it. Count for a half-win, half-loss just like in the NFL, or switch to a points system like hockey. Regular season MLB games count for so little anyway, what’s the harm in saying, “Well, you both sucked tonight, so go home and

The obvious, correct, but obviously “un-american” way is just have a goddamn tie. It’s a regular season game, for gods sake and there’s 162 of them. Playoff games can play them to the 25th inning, for all I care under the old rules.

Hell, Nat Holman won them both in the same year.

In his defense, he is very tall


Can any of them play offensive line

Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag

‘Secessionist Party’....hilarious. Those fuckwits wouldn’t have a clue what to do with themselves without the government that tolerates their existence. But yeah, this is quite satisfying in its’ restrained, graceful execution.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

Amen. We should not eliminate random acts of incompetence from the game.

Can I get an amen?

You just fact checked his throwaway jokey metaphor. A+

So, to interpret your analogy, the Sixers would have a 16.67% chance of success with one empty chamber out of six. There are thirty teams in the NBA, which means all else equal, a team has a 1/30 chance to win the championship every year. Roughly 3%.

Stop being on the same side of issues as me.

I dunno, the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics were the most successful in history. LA already has the infrastructure in place to host everything without having to build anything new. Most Olympics cause a city to lose money, but LA is just that bizarre enough mix where it can host everything and still improve the community.

Why is that good? LA could hold the Olympics without building any new arenas or stadiums that haven’t already been planned, so it would very likely turn a profit.

Apparently he can’t hit the side of a barn with his fastball, but the bottom sure does drop out of that curve ball.

+1 Flag Code violation

Brian Flynn out 8 weeks. The barn is listed as hay-to-day.
