
No, but they they were just being cheap buy understaffing staffing the gates, so it was taking forever to get everyone in with the new security restrictions that were put in place at the start of the MLS season.

In wrestling and judo the reps serve the same function as in rowing. The draws are often unranked and random, and if you somehow drew the first and second best competitors together in the first round, it give the loser a chance to get back into the bracket and not be eliminated right off.

US sports like gridiron football, basketball, and baseball all have natural breaks that occur all the time during normal play. Adding an additionally 1 or 2 minutes to those delays doesn’t really effect the flow of the game that much in the grand scheme of things.

Relocation is done in Europe. Just not as often and more looked down upon. For instance, the MK Dons are the relocated Wimbledon FC team.

Argentina did, but they made the mistake of putting in the bonds that the venue for disputes would be the New York Circuit Court so the bond holdouts could keep suing them and use the force of the US government to intercede on their behalf.

The NFL team wanted the city to be Raljon, MD, but Landover has told them to cut that nonsense out.

Audi Field doesn’t even meet the World Cup Size standard by like 20,000 (I.e the current capacity of Audi Field). The point of a US-led joint bid is to hold it in 80k-100k seater stadia to sell tickets like crazy At marked up prices. Holding it in MLS stadia would defeat that purpose.

Yes. Much like Washington DC is code for Landover, MD.

This is the only effective way to prevent tanking. Unfortunately it’s incredibly destructive financially to the relegated teams and not very conducive to a national TV deal so it will never happen.

In California it depends on how much the area was built out prior to Prop 13. After Prop 13, HOAs for new areas came in vogue since there was a bunch of stuff like roads, curbs, sidewalks, sewers, etc that the cities used to provide but due to the drop in property taxes could no longer provide. Since homes on a dirt

As owners of Dualstar Entertainment (holding company for their films) and a number of clothing lines for kids ages 4-14 that are sold at Walmart, their estimated net worth is somewhere between $300 million - $500 million each.

That is a function of limiting the house size to 487 instead of letting it grow with the population. That limit is just a statute and actually easy to change.

The 1988 Writers Strike really sunk the second season. Towards the end they were just running with whatever scripts they have on hand (including scripts from the aborted Star Trek: Phase II from the 1970s).

No. The only thing that matters is how many corporate headquarters are in the area who would be willing to pony up for season tickets\booths\etc at full price. The media market or population doesn’t matter much since the NFL contracts are national.

Contact with players do not count for ground rule doubles only the field, walls, etc. Hence the Canseco assisted home run elsewhere in this thread.

In this case baseball has the same written rule where yelling at an outfield player to confuse them would constitute interference. It’s often not called though by the umpires.

Reduce the season back to 154 games and use the extra days to deal with the rainouts that occasionally occur.

I have no idea on why the Nationals really wanted to go through with this game. First pitch at 10pm? Really? Just call it and try again tomorrow.

I’m good with the schedule. Being in sync with the FIFA schedule is overrated and would cause a large number of games to be scheduled in the dead of winter. Where there is snow and days of cold. Unless you go to an all southern league (no teams in any northern cities like New York, Chicago or Boston), you cannot