Well said - Emotions are part of the human experience and are truly uncontrollable. Our responses to those emotions, however, is completely within our control (in my opinion).
Well said - Emotions are part of the human experience and are truly uncontrollable. Our responses to those emotions, however, is completely within our control (in my opinion).
When I was a kid, my folks forgot some deer meat in the Ford Conversion van we drove back from my grandparent’s house. For three days. In May. In Kansas. It was literally a host for maggots when we found it.
Best of luck to you. That day truly goes so very fast that it’s amazing in hindsight how much we stress about it. Focus on the ceremony, the people you want involved because they are important to you and your future, and on how you want to thank your guests for their attendance and blessings (otherwise known as the…
I’m here for you brother. 12 years married. You will spend so much time agonizing over those details and the day will be over before you know it began. I remember the doors opening and her walking in and just about the next thing I knew we were heading home after the reception/dinner/dance.
There were even other options back in the day. In 1966 Ford trucks the headliner was perforated fiber board (a woody-er cardboard). If you kept it dry, which was fairly easy to do, it lasted a very long time under very rough conditions.
Well, so here’s one difference between what you are describing and what the author is describing. SHE IS WORKING AT A FUCKING JOB WHILE THIS IS HAPPENING NOT ON A DATE.
The last thing it should ever be used as is an excuse, but all of us sure are fallible. I vividly remember the priest running our pre-marriage encounter that was required by the diocese had a session one night where we all sat down and he very demonstrably took the collar off. He made a point of saying that before he…
My wife constantly says to me ‘Leave the dishes, I ‘ll get them in the morning.’ We all know that to be a lie but if I left them, I’m going to end up doing them as soon as I get home from work and start cooking dinner. So I do them - and the dishes aren’t done until they’re dry and put away. None of this, leave it on…
Clearly I’m not the only one that got your joke (but clearly there are some ‘Well, Actually’ guys below). +1 to you.
These events plus the well publicized morale issues on the Shiloh have got to have SECNAV in a total twist.
I would like to subscribe to your pamphlet or newsletter, good sir or madam.
Numb - Linkin Park
Just imagine the horror of Joe West with a fucking mic on him during games. He’d find a way to give you mid-inning updates or some other stuff.
Corn Subsidies and Ethanol Mandates both need to go. We literally burn food every goddam day in the interest of being ‘green’ while we artificially prop up the price of products like corn and peanuts.
Not to stir too much of the shit, but how about ranking his antisemetic writings next?
These stories have been out as blind items for a long time. I posted about this in another thread but I first saw them after visiting Savannah and hearing stories from locals related to his time there for Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. There was definitely a pattern already in place in 1997 - a full 20 years…
I do love the maple boards and bamboo is pretty nice as well for the cost.
I do love the maple boards and bamboo is pretty nice as well for the cost.
I remember Spacey’s behavior being noted especially during his filming of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. It was noted mostly because he and the crew de-camped to a relatively small community of Savannah where folks took note of behaviors and events. There were many stories that came out of that time, none of…
See - you get it. Work must get done and progress has to be made. I had a teacher in college who’s stated stance on due dates for papers was “I have unlimited compassion prior to the due date. I have zero compassion past the due date.”