
Play on WHEATon? Or is that a normal curse you use?

About the same as the odds that these guys are awful pricks. There is no way these men should be in school much less playing football. I know they’re young, but they honestly need to serve a 90 day stint in jail for kidnapping, sexual assault, battery, and criminal mischief.

I contend that this is the saddest truck ‘special edition’:

A few years ago the Royals ran an inning of announcer-free baseball as a memorial to a previous announcer who had passed away a few days before. It was beautiful. Made me want to watch more TV baseball.

Woah dude, way too much pedantic analysis of a flippant portmanteau discussion.

I’d say Teephus but then everyone would think I can’t spell some disease like typhus correctly.




Yep - I think more than half of Rugby fans might be sporting a semi waiting to pull this one out the next time a Futbol fan comes a-calling.

High five!

two words - testicular torsion.

Entirely too ethnic for upstate New York.

Well now I have homework because I’m not very familiar with that.

You made me smile with that - thanks. The not funny rebuttal is to say that there are about 10 times that number that have died based on estimates.

I’m with you in that I hope it works. It’s all so delicately timed, though, that I’m afraid of real-world failures causing issues with durability and expensive repairs.

Wow - I’m sorry for your loss. Being a parent of two young boys that would have destroyed me regardless of faith (and I’m Catholic from birth and been to more funerals than I care to count already).

Man, I’m a Catholic since birth but haven’t gotten fully to grips with mortality yet. I’m getting there, so an article like this helps me a bit to understand what I may experience.

Here’s my thoughts (as someone who is very high on self reliance):

Hmmm - not enough Y’s in those theoretical kids names. Should be Madyson and Jaycob.