
Check again, the player was only two to three from LOS. He was definitely five yards from the O linemen but they backed up a yard or two in pass protection fairly quickly.

But...but...won’t someone think of Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw?!?!

Did it in under an hour and a half from posting! Bang - we’ve hit Godwin’s law.

I sub out rubbed thyme for the dried. It melds into sauces faster so I can make corrections on flavors much later in the prep stages and still come out okay.

My wife has taught our oldest his first and last name in a song along with her phone number including area code. That way he can sing it to someone in authority if needed. It’s not foolproof but it’s a comfort to know that he can do that if needed.

I took a video but mostly to see the reaction from my kids. My four year old went from “this is a bit boring” to “WHAT IS HAPPENING!!??!?? THIS IS COOL!” in the two minutes from the last shot of light to totality. It’s also cool to hear the crickets come up and the street lights start on.

He could probably have taken Reagan shortly after the Hinkley shot, maybe half an hour afterwards.

Eisenhower takes him in five rounds. Drops him with his trademark Interstate Punch.

We need you ringside during the McGregor fight. I want you to compare the fighting styles of those two to other historical figures.

LBJ was like 6'4" and a good bit of a bully. While Taft was tough, I think LBJ takes him and laughs that Texan laugh he had during the whole thing.

Amen - TR got shot during a speech once and finished the damn speach.

Or worse - Marty Feldman looking ones.

Man - If Clarkson et al felt that messing with the BBC was rough, imagine what messing with the Swiss is going to feel like when they start their work. Amazon and Bezos might have a problem on their hands in this front. I can imagine from here forward, they’re going to find it nearly impossible to film on any track

Hell - you’re right. I have both, so how did I mess that up?

Hell - you’re right. I have both, so how did I mess that up?

No Cambro’s for storing food/brining meat:

Here it is - the Delta-Wing’s father.

This has to be Mike Judge, right?

This has to be Mike Judge, right?

I like to book-end his sound with Heart of Saturday Night (his first) with Rain Dogs (a very mature and comfortable Tom Waits). Love it.

I like to book-end his sound with Heart of Saturday Night (his first) with Rain Dogs (a very mature and comfortable

Own it - you speak the truth. Great album.

Own it - you speak the truth. Great album.

Oh man, only one? Shit.

Oh man, only one? Shit.