Glad to see he had the courage and it was met with humanity.
Glad to see he had the courage and it was met with humanity.
Dude - there have been many articles written about that episode. They even put a joke in their intro “Not the episode about the dog”.
Definitely not dumb. I think it’s Tim Burton’s best move. I loved Albert Finney in that movie. Still think he should have replaced Richard Harris as Dumbledore because of that movie alone.
Kung Fu Panda 2.
The math equals out to about a 45 mph front end crash.
Damnit David, you’re supposed to wait to kill my joy until the end of the piece.
Rights of way can be had for the right price - it just depends on what they require. If they need a mile-wide easement in order to safely build, maintain, and operate this thing it’s dead right then and there. But if they can get by with a footprint closer to an oil pipeline it could happen.
That is awesome. Made me laugh this morning - thank you.
If it’s a state inspection in Kansas, those are a joke - does it have a title, muffler, wheels, lights, tires? Approved.
In Kansas it is illegal to put an antique tag on vehicle that has had it’s engine upgraded. What’s an upgrade? If I change out my carb, does that count? I’d contend that is more stupid and odd than the exhaust reg.
Fair enough and the reactions were funny at times. I mean, the article didn’t raise my blood pressure or anything, but you’ve got to admit that this is slanted reporting at best, right?
And that’s stupid how?
‘Michigan Lefts’ is the right answer.
I’m not so certain. The “I can’t roll my eyes hard enough over this”, the “Oh?” inflection, the “Good to see black twitter works all over the world” comment very firmly imply (while not stating outright) that she agrees with their reaction. I stand by my statement that this is poorly researched half-truth.
I know we can ignore posters in the comments. Is it possible to ignore authors who cannot research or write a decent article showing the whole story? This article is bald-faced clickbait and poorly researched half truths.
I don’t know, they kind of go with the hair. I mean, if you saw that haircut and otherwise normally attired guy you’d wonder what was up. It’s like why you don’t think twice when you see a patch of horrible facial hair that one guy is calling a beard paired with cargo shorts, tall socks, odd shoes, and 50 too many…
Here’s the thing - the designers behind that show don’t care for craftsman details. They like low country and ranch styles. You need to know who you’re hiring as much for their tastes and styles as you do their actual construction and management techniques.
Wait - so you say you’re not interested in tolerating ANY faith and then you say that you can tolerate them as long as they are marketed as ‘philosophies’ instead of a religion.
Wait, you mean it’s not Stomp the Yard 4 - Stomp Harder?