
Very certain that Krysdtisgtong had a strongly worded letter in the ACC commissioner’s inbox before Allen was done tripping fans and the elderly on his way off the court last night.

Clearly the only answer that let him sleep last night is “All of them.”

So glad you came along. I’ve been calling him Coach Kreplach at the water cooler.

I’m sure others know this but it blew my pathetic little mind when I found out. Apparently when they manufacture brown sugar they make regular white sugar and then add molasses back in to make it more uniform and in a controlled manner. Don’t know why I never thought of this but I always assumed that they just

I agree it effects insurance company costs and therefore rates, but I very seriously doubt that if seat belt compliance reached 100% magically overnight that rates would drop. Outside of very consumable commodities (gas, milk, meat, travel) prices are not very sensitive to market forces.

I used to work for a major meat company in IT and got to spend a fair amount of time at beef processing plants. That exceptionally lean ground beef that health conscious people love to eat, they make it by putting the mostly trimmed bones through a machine that presses it off of the bone resulting in ‘hamburger’ that

Braunschweiger Uber Alles!

You’ve done rice dishes with the Biryani that didn’t turn out so good. How about an Indian dish that might be perfect for this - Daal? I’ve been hesitant to make it at home because I worried about the lentils sticking and burning as they cook, so the Immersion method might make the safest Daal ever made. I’ve never

What’s the average price per square foot in this neighborhood?

Just to clarify the Thomas Jefferson point sowed into that last tweet, at the time there was a law on the books that if you were in debt you could not set your slaves free as they must be sold to settle your debt. Jefferson was in debt and even died in debt. He wanted to set his slaves free, and wrote about that,

Alright, when are we going to indict him for trying to rock a hairstyle not seen since Tim McGraw in Friday Night Lights? Gotta love the thinning + slicked + blowout at the back. That haircut screams ‘FOOTBAW IN TEXAS! WOOO!’

We had both our kids on HDHP’s. I did the math on it and it was actually cheaper for us to do it that way. The OBGYN checkups and lab work hit the deductible before the actual birth so that by the time we hit the delivery date, we either had a very small responsibility or none at all.

Nope - You’re all wrong. You want to get this right you get an AWD Toyota Sienna minivan.

effing this - bastards gave me salmonella about two months ago. Lost 12 pounds in four days.

This is some amazing research. It would have been so easy to focus on something like pesticides or fertilizer and simply say “there’s your problem right there” and then publish a paper and fly back to your western university.

This deserves more attention - +1 Federal Government Denial of Existence to you, sir.

Citation Needed!

If it’s real maple syrup, it should be in the fridge once opened. Check the label.

What did Jayson Williams ever do to you?!

Parent of two small kids who aren’t good sleepers. Haven’t had the items on the list above in four years. You’ve definitely got the high score compared to me, though. Yuck.