with great dick, comes great responsibility.
with great dick, comes great responsibility.
I don’t know if he’s a malignant narcissist or a sociopath or a psychopath, but whatever he is, he’s always been like that. You should read the Washington Post story in which he’s quoted as follows: “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same,” the 70-year-old presumptive…
“No, I didn’t run for President. That was something people said because everyone loves Donald Trump. But believe me I never ran. I’d make the best President but I didn’t run for President” - Donald Trump, December 2016
Consults “The Art of the Comeback” ... ArcSky has lost all credibility. Terrible at commenting. Obviously biased.
In Megyn’s defense, how many orange, bloated, egotistical assholes is she supposed to take on at one time?.
I figure Sparks is just negging him to break down his self esteem and make him star in a crap movie?
I know Scott is such an asshole but, God, I can’t help but love him.
Ah, thanks! I wonder why it hasn’t crossed over to Jez yet.
But that is what is going to make the Oscar media coverage GREAT! Can’t you see the red carpet interviews now?
You always see plenty of signs in English at protests here in the Netherlands: these days people assume a global audience when expressing their opinion in public. I’d presume it’s the same in Germany.
Also, rape in German is Vergewaltigung, and refugee is Flüchtling - Vergewaltigungsflüchtling is not quite as catchy…
Good job, bigots. Y'all spread hate AND contribute to rape victims being disbelieved.
I just picked up one of her books at a free book exchange (shout out to Baltimore Book Thing!).
I said this on Gawker but I used to hang out at a site that called those “rape kittens.” There would be a terrible story and then posts and posts of kittens, like that somehow made the story less terrible? It was eventually agreed they were bad form and trivialized the subject at hand, and then rape kittens were…
demonizing anyone who uses social services like food stamps, telling the rest of the privileged masses that these people on assistance are the ones robbing them blind, and not the downright evil people in power.
How for every disturbing story on this site the comments are filled with things like “that’s enough internet for me today” or pictures of kittens and puppies? Is everyone here really that fragile that they can’t even read about the horrors of the world without having a breakdown? It’s not a good look for women.
Megyn Kelly asked Donald Trump ONE question that did nothing beyond actually just quoting his own statements. And this asshole can’t stand to be in the same room with her.
WORD. I love my husband and he’s mostly SUPER great, but if we both have hangovers (or are sick, or whatever), I’m the one simultaneously bathing the kid/vomiting in the toilet while he’s on the couch with the remote and a giant bottle of gatorade. Women get it done.
As a stay at home mom who could really use a freaking sick day today and isn't getting one, word.
...and not a one of those senators who stayed home touched a shovel or vacuum cleaner.
Nobody cares if you whine on the internet.