
Shiv’s outfit was the highlight of the episode for me.

So much tonight focused on Logan, Brain Cox, and I could not help but think how perfect his casting has been. Yeah, he nails it but it’s his face, a monumental visage of weathered crags like a formidable rock face, scars from 5o years of violent profiteering.

I think it’s really interesting to see which elements of Logan’s business acumen have been passed down to his kids, and how that affects each one’s plausibility as a successor candidate. More and more they all seem equally flawed in different ways. Such great, nuanced characters!

Logan’s sole purpose in taking Kendall there was as way to punish him for daring to question his judgement re: Rhea. And also probably for daring to even find a semblance of happiness with Naomi. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the first time we’ve seen Kendall all season act like a human again, his father

Speaking of Rhea, I was surprised at her assessment of Roman as smart.

The Yellowcard stinger was what truly did me in. What a truly magical sketch.

Something that made that sketch work for me was the misdirection in the set-up. New neighbors invited to an otherwise all-white dinner? I thought for sure they were going somewhere with that, so the pivot to a battle b/t Weezer superfans was a neat twist. 

the specificity worked, plus, for non fans, it worked like every event you go to and people who are really into a specific topic you shouldn’t bring up at a light gathering but do goes. it could have been a political fight, or a religious, or sports. So i think people outside of the joke woudl laugh too. And i notice

Who knew all it took for Leslie Jones to have a great starring sketch was for her to get into a heated Weezer debate with Matt Damon? Such a wonderfully niche yet all-too relatable premise executed perfectly.

As someone who is still unabashedly a big Weezer fan (though not to the degree of Damon’s character in that sketch. Ratitude and Pacific Daydream are not good albums and should not be used to defend Weezer’s post-Pinkerton output.), I was delighted start to finish by that dinner sketch. The level of specificity in the

“Mr. Robot started out as a pretty rote litany of all the usual pseudo anarchist cliches that were so pat and generic they made your eyes almost roll out their sockets. And yet viewers ate it up. Slowly but surely Esmail turned those generic rage against the machine rants into something far more interesting and, I’d

Yeah it definitely looks like WhiteRose’s plans involve a LHC and parallel universes. Possibly human brains (cough*Elliot*cough) as multiverse-spanning quantum devices while we’re at it.

Unfortunately, this comment section is also light years from what it used to be.

I’m really hoping that Esmail had enough time to plan for this, and has rewritten this season and his story accordingly.

Nice try praising the Mr Robot comments section. There’s no such thing. There’s only Kinja.

Among the many, many, MANY things the last election ruined... I think Mr. Robot is among the casualties. The stakes just don’t seem as high as they did in season 1 and 2 now. I’m supposed to be afraid of Evil Corp and the Dark Army and their secret cabal of well-organized world-wide conspirators? I’m more afraid of

THANK YOU. This is about the fifth review I’ve read already (don’t know why I didn’t start here, AV Club’s post-show was a stellar go-to for me last season), and you’re the first to point out how disappointing Elliot’s turn is in the premiere. It was the episode’s greatest bummer by far.