The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.
The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.
I got all teary eyed and I haven't even had any eggnog yet.
Your child’s name can scream “teen mom” or “mcmansion pinterest housewife mom” or “artsy hister mom” or “single mother” or any number of things.
I would like to deeply apologize for the above comment. When I said “so long Jerkbags”, I didn’t mean to imply that the rest of you are, in fact, Jerkbags. I was suffering from exhaustion at the time and have deep respect for the Jerkbag community.
I think something inside my brain just broke.
How can no one around her or Taylor Swift herself understand the concept of oversaturation? She’s suffocating her own brand at this point.
Because they share of love for Disney? They play freaking Snow White and Prince Charming for a living.
Hello no haters please and thank you
Does Kris Jenner pay Jezebel to write about them?? This is too much.
“McCarthy also wondered why actors engaged in kissing scenes weren’t required to disclose their HIV status.”
Heavyweights 2 has been cancelled...due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.
it’s becoming more open to models of all genders but not familiar enough to know that a cheap joke about an ostensibly trans or gender fluid person’s genitalia is retrograde bitchassness.
not to get too deep into this BUT i took it as derek & hansel are out of touch with the current fashion industry so they’ve never confronted the new androgynous trends?
So fake. That cat is clearly pushing the back of Asian Mike’s head with his tail. Please.
OHHHKAY. That’s not what they meant and they know it. I’m sick of this shit. My husband called Kim a bimbo last night for no reason and I tore him several new ones. He had no defenses and finally recanted. We know nothing about celebrities’ true selves and need to stop tearing people im general down because we’re…
The thing is, Amber Rose is not saying anything new or original in feminism. Her SlutWalk was just someone else’s idea, “hosted by Amber Rose.”
It’s just another bizarre way to judge someone else’s parenting choices. Nori has two parents, she’s always had two present parents. Who the fuck cares who’s last name she has?