
I find I only enjoy the use of the word "slutty" when it's used to describe something I wouldn't typically think of being capable of exuding sluttiness. Examples include:

Justin Beiber is clearly to blame for this if only for how creepy he's looked while he's been trying to grow that mustache for the last 6 months. Even though his voice finally "deepened" (and I use that word in the loosest sense), he still can't quite get the facial hair thing together. Puberty still alludes him, poor

i liked it better when people were creating " art " with various Toons having seckjz,

Neither are you.

Somehow this is reminding me of Helena Bonham Carter. In a good way. Everything Helena Bonham Carter is always in a good way.

umm, yeeeeeeeah.......kinda need some pix or something, to umm, get the deal here .

Too perfect. Zena has my dream body BTW.

CPS should be called on her parent's inability to shoot a video properly.

You beat me to it. She really does need to go away. And she can take Lena Dunham with her.

Every time someone uses "your" instead of "you're"or "it's" instead of "its," I can't help feeling like they're doing it on purpose to rub salt into the gaping wound that is my useless English degree.

He should get a teardrop tattoo for killing Ann Curry's Today Show career.

I'll never stop rooting for Kim and Kanye to make it.


I say this with all due respect because I truly think you're fabulous and I love you: You need to go eat 14 hours worth of mozzarella sticks a day with no wifi for your permanent assignment with Jezebel. It's got to be safer than what you Google. It's got to be. I can only imagine the case the NSA is building against

"And it often leads to male pregnancy, which leads to male delivery. And the people giving birth to feces-covered babies.."

Ok, I'm kind of out of breath and I think I just bought a Jaguar. I don't know what's happening.

Only Brad Paisley is allowed to suck at a Brad Paisley concert!

I think that the whole blood bank thing is just a cover up to feed the vampires among us, and clearly those vampires are also homophobic.