Awesome! But is there no volume control or am I just stupid?
Awesome! But is there no volume control or am I just stupid?
Cameras take pictures? I really don't know.. but I have a sneaking feeling that some nerd just loves themselves some Arduino. :p
Many countries would be willing to test our defenses.. our offenses though? Not so much. ;)
Seems like they are just asking which one you prefer. Probably best to state the reason why you like and how come the mobile app figures into it so much, or in some cases puts off from choosing a certain service.
VOTE: Pandora + Google Music
Well then in my not so humble opinion, you should NOT have gone with a tablet. Tablets were never the powerhouse product. Most have 1GHz dual core which if you are doing anything at all other than media/games/word processing, it's not powerful enough. You should have gotten a low level laptop built specifically for…
But if I understand correctly it deletes it after a while or something? I'm talking about downloading an entire state onto your phone permanently.
alright, well then use the stair machines! and just set a time/number for yourself, and do as much as you can every single time until you can hit that goal without wheezing too hard. going to the gym is going to hurt and if you aren't in shape it'll hurt more. but just work through the pain. I personally like that i'm…
Well, as the saying goes, no pain no gain? Trust me, I feel your pain in terms of not wanting to go to the gym. If you aren't feeling anything you aren't gaining muscle/losing fat which defeats the purpose of going to the gym in the first place. For me, I want to bulk up so I have a goal in mind and I just make myself…
No showers? I have a feeling he's going to need $64k worth of deodorant...
Yes but how many people are going to want to use a Wireless VGA adapter? One in.. 1 million. And if I wanted to stream a bluray movie, I'd use a laptop.. Tablets are not meant for that sort of work nor is Windows 7 supposed to be a tablet OS. Point of a tablet and the OS that goes with it is to be light not bogged…
Dumb for them. Good for us. :)
We've always been able to do this.. Apple is dumb about the lack of serial numbers.
point is portability. having one of these in your laptop bag could come in handy at an airport if you need to charge your phone, have a layover and want to watch a movie without killing your laptop.
I'm at work on a PC so I haven't had a chance to but I will when I get home but I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered this issue.
It doesn't. I'm just being a royal pain. :)
iPad: is $300 more expensive than it should be, doesn't have expandable memory, doesn't allow me to connect my external with all my movies on it and in order to connect to a TV i need to spend another $30+ dollars to connect to any TV i come across.. no thanks, i'll stick with an Android tablet, tyvm.
That's not what I "want" to do with it. But I'm saying that's why some people like the ports. The reason I personally will be getting a tablet will be to bring with me when i need something to entertain myself for a limited amount of time or to bring with me to a friends house with some movies to connect to their TV.…
keyboards, mice. adding an SD to play movies and connecting it to a TV via HDMI?