Fucking Mae? Get the fuck out of here. Deadspin is a site for adults, not 16-year-old scene girls.
Fucking Mae? Get the fuck out of here. Deadspin is a site for adults, not 16-year-old scene girls.
This place is worse than fucking Reddit. Puns aren’t funny. Stop.
Do you guys really just throw your money at speculative shit for the hell of it? I tend to not do that, because money is easier to spend than earn.
Great Kinja, both of you.
I get it, because there’s a commercial
“The 49ers won! What the hell is wrong with you guys?”
here’s a follow-up: suck my fucking dick you scrub
weird how I didn’t watch a single game yesterday
Absolutely not. The end of NBA and NCAA basketball games make me want to quit sports forever.
After seeing “touchdown, commercial, kickoff, commercial, play, time out, commercial,” I realized that my first NFL game would be my last this season. Fuck that shit.
Using “dope” in earnest makes you a hipster.
This is New Haven, right here. Young black kids on dirtbikes whipping up and down the street with bandannas over their faces. Cooler than I’ll ever be, and also terrifying.
Southern Decadence is when everyone stops what they’re doing and does coke for a week. Jordan is just getting wet like everyone else.
jesus christ zzzzzzzzzzzz
So when are you posting the jokes?
“Are you kidding me? I asked five of their players when they were on base. They all said it should have been a hit.”
Have you ever tried Binding of Isaac’s “The Lost” mode? If you take damage once, you lose. Do you think I want to spend hundreds of hours mastering it when I can (1) casually play the game, like a normal person and (2) be able to watch someone good enough to complete it, without having to sit through all of the…
Either she’s a liar, or Rose is an idiot monster rapist creep of the highest proportions.
So what? The guy was great at basketball for five years after that. He averaged 13.7 AST/48 and 10.6 TRB/48 in 2008, which is Magic Johnson-type shit.