+1 for more motorcycle coverage and Wes being back!
+1 for more motorcycle coverage and Wes being back!
I was almost thinking of getting the bare bones model to haul motorcycles around and commuting, I just figured having the manual would at least be better than the automatic.
So for someone buying this, you think it would be more fun to drive the automatic version than the manual?
‘Murica. Where families are too fat to climb out the windows.
I tell people my bike is ‘murican
I live in GR, can confirm. I got rear-ended one winter and my license plate fell off. Put it in my car, didn't bother to put it back on until I finally got pulled over four months later.
says the guy that bought a car without telling his wife.
Or Virginia.
What if the final run of Veyrons was a series of stripped-down track machines, freed from all the luxury frippery and advertisements of wealth, and sold for around, oh, $500-$750,000?
Because they're all dead, genius.
Mine is actually just an O2 sensor...
My sister has been dating his brother... She's met the family and everything. It's weird haha I feel bad for the guy.
Nice, I hadn't see videos from these angles before! I don't live too far away from here either, I sold my last car to a kid in Kzoo. Glad I wasn't there today because a girl invited me over today and I would've been on that highway.
In the first gif, I think that truck would fail the moose test.
I wish I had a prius.
Really? Darn, I was going to trade my prius in for one but I guess I might have to reconsider.
And then they complain about their frame bending.
95% of the people on Jalopnik who complain about companies not creating the cars they want either can't afford to buy them new or won't because they realize that it's not financially smart.
They're probably right. People on here might say that that's what they want, but are we the ones who are actually going to buy these vehicles off the lot? Probably not. We're the ones who buy them after 3 years of depreciation.
I'd rather have that NSX.