
In the first gif, I think that truck would fail the moose test.

I wish I had a prius.

Really? Darn, I was going to trade my prius in for one but I guess I might have to reconsider.

And then they complain about their frame bending.

95% of the people on Jalopnik who complain about companies not creating the cars they want either can't afford to buy them new or won't because they realize that it's not financially smart.

They're probably right. People on here might say that that's what they want, but are we the ones who are actually going to buy these vehicles off the lot? Probably not. We're the ones who buy them after 3 years of depreciation.

I'd rather have that NSX.

Now put snow tires and dd it in Michigan just to show people how crazy you are.

This is the best Torchinsky article I've ever read.

I usually would skip over an article with this title, but when Demuro writes it I know I am guaranteed a laugh or two.

You have an SV too? Sweet! Ever take it to the track?

This made me actually bust into a loud fit of laughter at work, thanks.

It causes people to slow down for speed traps, but still speed everywhere else. If you don't know where the speed traps are and you get a ticket, then you are more likely to slow down more of the time because you are more cautious. That is the point of them.

Hell to the fucking yes. I stopped building legos quite a while back but this is one set I would love to buy.

I work at a data center, in fact that's where I am right now. Trust me, it's boring.

Damn I would not have the balls to drive like that in that expensive of a car.

I am so glad that the group I ride with aren't assholes.

Not necessarily the journalists' fault, they only ask questions that they think their audience will be interested in. Blame America.

This is the perfect combination of everything I want in a car.

*it turns solid