Jeff Kensington

Sorry, but I don’t think the government has a claim on someone’s after-tax money that they want to give their kids when they die. The government already taxed it when it was made so stop trying to prevent parents from giving their own shit to their own kids.

Nothing like people who think that parents should be taxed giving their own shit to their own kids for no other reason than “but they have a lot of it”.

Proving, once again, that you’re an idiot whose own financial shortcomings have left you with low self-worth and hatred of anyone with more.

Yeah, fuck people with money who want to live in a cool place!

This bag is crazy stupid.

Yes, “normal player in his prime” that puts up 26-9-9 with good defense. My god people are stupid.

A 9% expected return is not even in the realm of conservative.

It’s such a wonder that you haven’t found lots of people who enjoy your company (taking a stab here but almost positive I’m right). Perhaps it’s the patronising way you discuss other people’s lives and decisions?

“They say to do what you love, and then find a way to make money doing that. Unfortunately not every field has a chance for large monetary gain. It’s one of the evils of our capitalist society that everyone seems to cherish so much. Our teachers and social workers make $35,000 year, and our actors and

It’s more the complete inability to conceive of why someone’s spending could be held to a different standard than yours. $9k on clothes? That’s $187 per person per month in that family - not really ridiculous if you’re making $500k. I can find plenty of faults with their spending habits but the ones you harp on are

Huge surprise you make $36k/year.

You’re probably the guy that judges his investment performance in 6-month intervals.

I hope you feel dumb now.

Then maybe you shouldn’t insult people by putting a 3% tax rate and continuing the false narrative that rich people don’t pay lots of taxes. Just maybe.

Lots of wealthy people whose earnings come from wages do pay 40% effective tax rates. Maybe you don’t realize that because you get your financial news from the Huffington Post and Mother Jones.

None of those rings would have come without Shaq, regardless of how quality his help was. KD? He went to a team that was the prohibitive Finals favorite WITHOUT him.

“Uber is losing too much money (way more than either Amazon or MS), and the two possible paths to survival are not getting appreciably closer.”

Shit “article” by a shit writer. Huge surprise.

This just in: living below your means is probably a good thing financially.

You are a moron. He was simply going faster than someone on the left. That’s not illegal and it’s not even stupid. The Camry driver was drunk - that’s what caused this.