Both my cars are XJs

And now...

[Stands up, applauds]

Lean into this weirdness. It’s Jalop to the core.

Would you prefer that they continue to recycle posts from 2014 and 2015 as they’ve been doing all week?  I’m personally sick of that and will take this any day instead.

i’m here to bring the weird

It’s meant to be comedic. Woooosh…

Larry’s love for kinja is another point of contention with his wife.

we all love kinja

c’s get degrees

sometimes it’s okay to have a little fun with you’re job

Automatically star anything with a mention of Rockford Files . Thank you .

Those 100+ inches of annual rainfall have to go somewhere. Even airports with lesser challenges in that respect have to have some provisions for getting rid of rain or snow, and if something goes badly wrong with your plane and you end up there after doing most of a Jim Rockford U-turn at speed, it’s gonna hurt.

My country made the news!

I think it’s pretty easy to draw a line between “hydraulic failure” and “brakes on one side don’t work right” and “skidded sideways off the runway”.

I’m still waiting on my new battery (I’m hoping to get a call back this coming week to schedule it)

More taxes eh? Just what we all need.

Amen! - The owner of a 2015 TDI Sportwagen.

Huh. I’m getting a strong the-pot-calling-the-kettle-black vibe here:

It's like the Japanese invasion of the 1970s fuel crises all over again....