
At the end of the day, I’m simply concerned about June-Nov. I can store 20gal of gas, no problem. $70 gets you 200gal at current prices, 4:5gal cans go into the shed and we’re good to go for the next week. You can’t do that with electrons, not on a $/$ ratio.
Florida’s power grid is horrendous, we went 10wk without

I had quit this game for several years until I was stuck in an airport overnight and saw some Intro Decks from whatever set was just released. Knowing I’d need a way to kill time I bought two of each and started tweaking them. Then I went back and grabbed another one of each and ended up with three decks, a horrible

Yep, more than one person has confirmed it’s possible. If you have a dual-BIOS 480 then I would say try it out because you can always back it out. If not then there’s no reason to risk bricking a decent card.

I don’t think you realize just how many people billionaires employee. Most of them have a yacht(or 2) with a regular crew and multiple houses staffed on a daily basis. Those yachts are docked in marinas with a ton of staff and the surrounding areas often cater to the staff via housing, bars and uniforms. The

I’ll happily give it a whirl, I’ve never had an issue with repeating most of their quests. The carnival questline hub is a classic, as is the gypsy girl from the Orochi. Many quests in Transylvania have a very “White Wolf, Tzimisce” feel to them with an excellent mix of Cold War aesthetics and village witchcraft

Games like this (and Thief, Maniac Mansion, C&C:Generals, Bards Tale, Dune RTS, etc) are why I keep a W98 system on my shelves. I only turn it on a few times a year but it’s always fun :) 

It has no internet connection and has both a 5.25 and 3.5 floppy simply BECAUSE it’s designed to run the native games

***And yes, I

Best game “EVER”? Wow, that’s hard - Thief 1-2, Planescape:Torment, Vamp:Bloodlines, Maniac Mansion, Sanitarium...