
This is stupid. Why apologize? The apology isn’t the stupid part, FEELING like you have to apologize is. The Article had a title that got a lot of clicks, but RIGHT at the top, once you click the article, is a description of what we were going to see below. Anyone reading the TITLE of the article knew what they could

i mean, that’s a bit myopic and hyperbolic.

hell bernie madoff scammed people for millions, if not billions this guy lost less than 5k

could argue the mortgage lending crisis was trillions, and was an orchestrated scam.

student loan debt, is an ongoing gov backed scam.

flint michigan, the oil pipelines going through

That’s a pretty self indulgent way to tell someone you don’t like Beastie Boys.

People who prefer the PS2's “quality” visuals are the same people who think VHS offers an experience you can’t get with Blu-ray and that the distortion and low fidelity fuzzing sounds on ancient LP’s are better than than crystal clear audio where you can hear all the instruments.

The point of the whole mean tweets thing is to see the actual people reacting to things said about them... These are just random people. Perhaps if they got the voice actors for the characters to read them, that would be something, but this is disappointing :/

Shouldn’t modern games now come with a disclaimer or something. WARNING: Game might not be up to quality insurance. We know games aren’t perfect, but please understand that will be patching the game often and you might not get the full product we intended for a few months or a year.

Utterly daft post. World first Mythic kills always take an extremely high number of attempts because you’re typically undergeared for the encounter and you’re the ones learning all the mechanics for the sake of everybody else. They’re the best guild on the planet, you think they can’t analyse a raid boss?

Think you mean “fap fap fap”

Something... something... disturbance, something... something.. pants.

So the dev’s don’t want this getting out and you decided is was a good idea to post it on Kotaku? Seems like the guy who snuck in and stole food isn’t the only douche bag around. Whatever it takes to get a story I guess.

Did anyone else lack the motivation to keep playing shadow of mordor after they had finished it? It was a fantastic game but I felt it had very little replayability