
I think everyone is missing the fact that this “horrible human” has the name CHAD DICKENSON! troll confirmed. good to see that all the normal non-troll people are decent and caring.

You mention a very VERY important aspect of violence in entertainment. Telling the difference between real and fiction, but also not letting it influence you (in any meaningful way).

This is where mental illness is brought up. Because someone who has a mental disability where they have trouble telling apart reality

See I think the biggest problem here isn’t him blaming culture, it’s the question of what is easier to solve. What seems simpler, reforming our culture away from the entertainment that is very popular, telling writers, creators, actors, game designers they cannot write about X-Y-Z? Or making inanimate objects designed

The fact he had someone stream sniping him, and apparently not being banned for months, is really crappy. But I have also seen multiple instances of xQc reporting every person on his team, clicking random reasons why, and writing in the comment “fuck you” for all of them.

So yeah not feeling bad for this guy. seemed

Calling a company “evil” for selling booster packs full of cosmetic items just seems a bit of an exaggeration.

What I think most Hog mains are missing is the other reason Blizzard nerfed Hog, it was because everyone played him like a lonewolf flanker. You could ditch your team get a sneaky pick and usually that’d win the next fight outright. But he’s a tank, they wanted you to play as a team. So now you can’t solo kill a

I wish there was a larger selection, these look amazing but none of them are really my personal favorites. If there was a Gengar, Geodude, Oddish, etc I would probably buy all of them!

Still, Cubone is tempting...

Actually I would say people who cheat and make cheating programs are at fault legally b/c they are subverting the product that blizzard is making. Blizzard makes product X and sells it for $60 and that product is supposed to do Y. But when a cheater uses program P it alters product X so that it no longer does Y and

Personally I hope they don’t touch the controls at all. I may be a bias fan who just wants a shot of nostalgia, but I think changing the controls would alter the game in a way that would ruin it for me. Crash Bandicoot was hard, and that’s a good thing! Finessing/perfecting your skills was what I loved about those

Bringing your elbows closer together works more of your Triceps, usually this is harder for people to do. The standard 90 degree push ups focus on biceps and pectorals which is why it is such a staple exercise as those are often the favorite muscles to build.

How can you include iconic moments and be an original story?

If nothing else this sounds fun! I really enjoyed playing Symmetra (on first point defense) And matches where we completely held always made me feel good for picking her. Giving me the tools to stay on the hero with wacky new stuff like a moving shield? Might not be top tier hero but might be a fun viable pick :D good

umm it’s been live for a week now.

I guess I view pokemon as such a single player experience that I don’t consider cheating to be big deal. It’s more like modding in skyrim then cheating to me. But trading does take it out of being a purely single player game so that is a very valid point, but what i meant mostly by negative repercussions was if there

But not everything has to or even should make a stance on the subject. If people want to believe one of the characters is LGBT then leave it open ended for them to do so.

There are also people that can be easily offended by sexuality in games and Overwatch is sort of kid friendly and I don’t think it is really a good

I guess when I heard about it I was reminded more of the old MissingNo glitch and less of toxic cheaters from other games. So it doesn’t come off as heinous to me as it might be to others.

Cheating in most games is really bad, aka CS:GO, Overwatch anything that is competitive multiplayer that gives someone an advantage. Spreading around the joy of rare shinies and items... I can’t be mad at that! Is there some negative repercussions i’m missing?

I have read a few different reports and interviews about the horrible development crunch and how it is ruining people. My question is why is this the case? Is it some cliche evil CEO cracking a whip over all his peons? Or is it the fact that if a game is delayed even a few weeks the community loses their minds? I get

Would you like it if Nintendo stopped making hardware and went Third Party?