
I don’t think Steve is any more or less complicated than Hero. You do need to pay attention and have a gameplan to use Steve at a high level, but for more casual players like me, I found him surprisingly easy to use. I also identified some exploits with less-experienced players (pretty much everyone online last night

Wouldn’t the mirror method make everything you see move backwards on the X-axis (horizontal)? That alone would make most games far more difficult.

Anyway Nintendo has been making solutions to the toilet gaming problem for 31 years now

Thank you, Ally, for sharing this — and thank you, Kotaku, for printing it! I have never had even the slightest interest in Barbie games, but I found this story to be insightful, endearing, and heartwarming.

Wait, so you’re telling me that when my friends tried to console me after my dog died by saying she’d crossed the rainbow bridge, they meant she went to Japan?

Major League Baseball has done it for decades. All player contracts are guaranteed, in full. Google “New York Mets Bobby Bonilla contract” for a similar example

“When the quarterback throws the ball to the wide receiver and he catches it in the end zone, that’s a touchdown!”

It’s worth mentioning the app is completely free, with no ads or in-app purchases / microtransactions.

It’s Xenoblade Chronicles and I only get the joke because I’m currently playing through the Definitive Edition of that game on Nintendo Switch.

Needs a dancing baby GIF, an odometer-style hits counter, and a webring. Plus a LINKS page

The loss of Ninja and failure of Mixer alone is proof of that.

To be fair, all of those examples were elected officials, some of whom had taken a stand as “religious right” conservatives. Then there’s Bill Clinton, and that’s a whooooole different story.

Mr. Ismail is an employee of a private company, not eleted, not paid with taxpayer dollars. I would tend to believe his sex life

I’m playing through Xenoblade Chroncles: Definitve Edition right now, so Corpse Run really speaks to me this week. I think I’ve found about 20 “Heart to Heart” locations in the game so far, but I’ve only been able to actually “activate” two of them because of unmet story requirements / affinity levels.

Same here. Also a big Ninja Gaiden fan (if my avatar didn’t give that away). My TG16 Mini arrived on Tuesday, and when I plugged it in, Ninja Ryukenden was one of the first games I tried. About halfway through the first act, I missed a jump and landed between two of the boxer enemies, who juggled my helpless Ryu to

Panel de Pon is a welcome addition (first official release in the Americas under that name; it was called Tetris Attack in its previous SNES incarnation). And Operation Logic Bomb is a forgotten game, so that’s nice.

I’m still perplexed that they haven’t made any of the Donkey Kong Country titles available (legal

That, and being able to skip the generation-transition year and just skip straight to developing exclusively for PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Thanks for the heads-up! I’ve been wanting one of these but was waiting for a more reasonable price. Ordered via the affiliate link because I like Kotaku and Jalopnik so much.

Thanks for the heads-up! I’ve been wanting one of these but was waiting for a more reasonable price. Ordered via the

Basically just a stupid prank call trend where kids would call GameStops and pawn shops and places like that and ask if they have Battletoads. Famously it somehow spread to the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, which was the subject of the reality show Pawn Stars. Apparently Rick the owner got legit pissed off

Oh god, you just gave me horrific flashbacks to my upbringing in an Evangelical household. Carman was the first concert I ever attended. I’m sure he’d be delighted to know he played a small role in my becoming an atheist many years later.

This is a great story. Thank you, Luke! Here’s to the next great Western kusoge game. Contra: Rogue Corps, perhaps?

The sheer number and variety of spirits in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is great, but the game does players a bit of a disservice in the bare-bones presentation of spirits. I’m not at all familiar with many of the characters, but unlike trophies in past Smash games, there is no “bio” or encyclopedia entry for each one