
I can't believe they would make them play at the same time. That's cruel. My love of Arcade Fire is thanks to Chris Cornell. When 'Neon Bible' came out, Cornell listed his favorite albums in a "currently listening" column in Rolling Stone or something, so I checked them out and they have been among my all time

I'd be on board for Hiddleston or Murphy! I still don't want to see it get made, though. I'm too nervous it'd wind up a movie or show made by a committee trying to figure out how to make it marketable to a mass audience. Not to mention how much story is crammed into the series… But, as this article points out, perhaps

I know Benedict Cumberbatch is losing his popularity among the geek crowd for some reason, but I still maintain that he is the only person who should ever attempt to play Morpheus. Also, they should never try to adapt Sandman to live action.

I posted the comment, then thought "nah, that's a stupid, insignificant little detail to point out," but ultimately decided I should live with my decision. While a typo of the name of a fictional caricature that has existed on screen for approximately 60 seconds total, it is still a typo, and my brain was unable to


I love Crudup's Ashitaka, but Claire Danes' screaming and Billy Bob's wildly out of place drawl make me stick with the sub over the dub.

When I was just a wee lad, I always heard the line as "You told me Vader-beh-tray-der murdered my father"… I never questioned it.

At Neumo's? See you there! I've seen them five times in three different states and they have rocked my face off consistently each time. 'The Big Roar' is untouchable in terms of quality for me, but when I saw them on the tour for 'Wolf's Law', I gained a better appreciation for that album after seeing some of the


I realize now that your "nawt" was supposed to be in Arnie's Austrian accent, but I totally read that as Leo in 'The Departed' during his seminal "I'm nawt a fucking cawp!" scene…

The Flat Circle "It's pizza TIME! Try our new meat lover's gourmet stuffed crust 'The Yellow King' made with three different kinds of cheese, venison, and none of the GREEN stuff to get you in trouble! You'll want to eat it over and over and over again forever!"