
Black lives matter is a terrorist group funded by Globalist interests hell bent on perpetuating racial tension and undermining civil stability. If black lives actually mattered to BLM they would be protesting black male on black male violence, which is objectively astronomical.

The word choice for these movements is very unfortunate. Obviously all lives matter. This is objectively and literally true. But in response to people saying “all lives matter”, the response is “no, black lives matter,” which implies, all lives do not matter, which is literally and objectively false. Some people do

hahahaha, “there wouldn’t be anything for the racists to rally against”...hahahahaha, are you a parody, or were you literally born yesterday?

i was under the impression that the statement ‘all lives matter’ byits very definition is an implicit acknowledgment that black lives (also) matter. We’ve reached a period in time where saying everyone matters is considered racist. I’m going to find a shark to jump over.

Buddy, there are some massive logical leaps from “all lives matter” to “direct refutation of BLM” to “racist.” But please do keep feeding the insatiable anger and paranoia that is unfortunately keeping any rational dialogue from happening... and please allow yourself to enjoy the All Star game.

I’m black and... nah. All lives matter bro, I don’t know how long it is going to take for our community to realize that you don’t get equality by rallying around our differences.

Still seems like a bit of a leap, but I don't really care either way.

All lives do matter though. Even yours brother. I love you.

Alright buddy

Maybe it’s the whiskey or, as an American, complete lack of knowledge as to what the lyrics to the song normally are beyond 5 seconds, but I can’t make out what they’re saying for most of the video.