
They already are ignoring us and international courts of law. We are a much larger economic superpower than they are. It’s really not even close. So yes, it’s about time someone told them to fuck off. They’ve been doing whatever the hell they want because Obama has been too weak to call them on their bullshit.

No. What you saw in the election and what you’re seeing on Reddit is the pent-up frustration of a group of people who were marginalized by political correctness and shouted down as bigots every time they questioned the reasons for something. They couldn’t criticize Obama without being called a racist. They couldn’t

Gizmodo exercises an iron fist of control to silence and ostracize any comment that doesn’t align with their message. It’s hard to tear apart something that’s barely got integrity in the first place.

Gawkmodo, where speech is free as long as it fits the approved narrative.

Gizmodo: Where you can be as racist as you want as long as it’s against white males...

This confirms Jalopnik staff can always find something to whine about.

Sure - please continue.

Yes, but Marchionne has been very local about how much these regs are negatively impacting his company. (I would know, I used to work for the dude).

I’m not sure he’s wrong: people don’t really seem to want electric cars right now, and there are some major technical breakthroughs needed to make them equivalent to a gasoline powered car. Of course, I might be reading into that statement some, but I don’t think manufacturers can get up to 50+MPG average corporate

There are a lot of ppl in the Midwest who feel adrift and who don’t have decent jobs.

“The Trump Administration”

Totally agree. I think Liberals need to take a long look in the mirror and think about one thing, arrogance. They have been so cocky and arrogant about this election cycle or the last two or three. It jumped up and bit them in the ass in a huge way last night.

They have been condescended to, called racist and sexist for the last 8 years. Weird they didn’t fall in line with the liberals.

Great words but the quotidian needs of movement-building are tough.

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

Such courage.

That might be what you remember, but he pushed anti-TPP, rein in Wall Street, and a $15 minimum wage even harder.

If you think that looks like an x-type you have a bad eye for cars.