some more Destiny 2. need to finish the story at some point. then maybe trying Outer Worlds.
some more Destiny 2. need to finish the story at some point. then maybe trying Outer Worlds.
i logged into Destiny 2 one last time via to made sure i had certain items dismantled.
i logged into Destiny 2 one last time via to made sure i had certain items dismantled.
after a very trying week, I’m planning to enjoy some games. started Links’s Awakening. probably done with Destiny 2 until the new expansion.
our condolenses. pets are part of your family. hang in there and just focus on the good times.
maybe some Destiny 2 but i might just wait until ShadowKeep comes out.
i found it really predictable. no controls either.
i wish. hope you are all enjoying it
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, maybe some Destiny.
trying to get back into Destiny 2 but its just not pulling me. otherwise, I might do some NBA2k19, or even go back to some games on the Switch (Smash, Golf Story or NES collection). Tried the Children of Morta demo and it was decent.
I am in a video game lull lately where i have been exhausted from other things and not necessarily having the interest to play a game.
I played a lot of Destiny 2 this week while away for work. so this weekend i might get back to my farm in Stardew, or work on Uncharted 4 or even get back into Borderlands 2.
Destiny 2. i guess it has my attention again.
thinking more of the DaemonxMachina demo but might save that for a coming work trip. picked up Resident Evil 2 which looks great on the new graphics card (though my processor is starting to show it’s age).
how is wargroove??
installed a new graphics card for my 10 year old desktop. hoping to put NMS through its paces. also more Uncharted 4 and getting my PSP back into service.
been getting back to Uncharted 4 so hopefully more of that. hopefully the anthem demo finally works for me. otherwise: maybe start up octopath or see what’s going on in Destiny 2.