
some more Destiny 2.  need to finish the story at some point.  then maybe trying Outer Worlds.

i logged into Destiny 2 one last time via battle.net to made sure i had certain items dismantled.

i logged into Destiny 2 one last time via battle.net to made sure i had certain items dismantled.

after a very trying week, I’m planning to enjoy some games. started Links’s Awakening. probably done with Destiny 2 until the new expansion.

our condolenses.  pets are part of your family. hang in there and just focus on the good times.

maybe some Destiny 2 but i might just wait until ShadowKeep comes out.

i found it really predictable.  no controls either.

i wish.  hope you are all enjoying it



Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, maybe some Destiny.

trying to get back into Destiny 2 but its just not pulling me.  otherwise, I might do some NBA2k19, or even go back to some games on the Switch (Smash, Golf Story or NES collection).  Tried the Children of Morta demo and it was decent.

I am in a video game lull lately where i have been exhausted from other things and not necessarily having the interest to play a game.

I played a lot of Destiny 2 this week while away for work. so this weekend i might get back to my farm in Stardew, or work on Uncharted 4 or even get back into Borderlands 2.


Destiny 2.  i guess it has my attention again.

thinking more of the DaemonxMachina demo but might save that for a coming work trip. picked up Resident Evil 2 which looks great on the new graphics card (though my processor is starting to show it’s age).

how is wargroove??

installed a new graphics card for my 10 year old desktop.  hoping to put NMS through its paces.  also more Uncharted 4 and getting my PSP back into service.

been getting back to Uncharted 4 so hopefully more of that. hopefully the anthem demo finally works for me. otherwise: maybe start up octopath or see what’s going on in Destiny 2.