JJ Lonsdale

Good for her for doing something about it. This is the most I've ever seen of the show outside a Daily Show segment, and it's clear she's sick of their shit. You go girl.

See also: Jean Hagen as Lina Lamont in Singin' in the Rain. She was a dramatic actress cast as the dumb blonde, and there's a real craft to how she approaches it. Lina is convinced that she can't possibly be dumb because (as the Hollywood starlet) everyone fawns over her and idolizes her. Hagen makes it seem perfectly

You're absolutely correct — the appeals process worked like it was supposed to (although 14 years is perhaps a touch too long). I read the judge's opinion last night and they explicitly state they didn't listen to the podcast because it wasn't part of the evidence.


The "I don't have a beard" reaction moment is probably the most awesomely heartbreaking moment on this show to date.

Definitely. I'm really appreciating how the show is being so accurate about the details of dealing with abuse/trauma.

What is Anna Camp poised to take over the universe with/in?

I too love GBBO, and I was glad to see this (albeit shortened) American version and I enjoyed watching it. My only quibble is that I adore Mel and Sue, the British hosts, who have a real "we're in this with you" vibe with the contestants, and I couldn't stand Ian and Nia, who I felt just used the contestants as props

Yes, I was a big fan of Olivia Colman on Peep Show and I think the comedy/improv background stood her in very good stead. I rewatched the first episode of Broadchurch again after this ep of Gracepoint and I was struck by just how *funny* it is — not in any kind of overt way, just in tiny little sparks of ordinary

I wonder if part of the "this isn't as good as Broadchurch" problem is the setting. In the UK, many more people still live in small villages, or at least are much more culturally connected to that way of life. In the US, the default community is suburban sprawl. So Broadchurch benefits from being able to genuinely

I just read the Alan Sepinwall review, where he includes an interview quote with one of the writers, who said it was meant to be a scene that was "ultimately consensual". If that was the goal, I guess they were off the mark.

It was supposed to go up at midnight.

I'm a straight female, and I've read the books, and I didn't think it was rape. I think Cersei has said a lot of "no no please stop" to Jaime without meaning it over the years (i imagine their twincest had some fun roleplay). But both of the AVclub reviewers, and my non-book-reading GoT watching buddy, all thought

It's super exciting to me to see Laura Spencer from The Lizzie Bennet Diaries as Raj's new girlfriend. Yay for success!

I don't disagree with anything in this article — I love this movie and I love the scene you're dissecting. Just wanted to point out that you can look at the movie an entirely different way — personally, I think it's a father-daughter-relationship movie, a girl-to-woman movie, with romantic interludes.

The commenters seem to have enjoyed this ep, but it really, really bothered me. I like this show because it's about "early-30s-problems" rather than "early-20s-problems." But paying your bills is something you should have mastered by the age of 30. Commenter La Pipe talked about how this situation worked out well

I'm not saying he shouldn't have written the review or been critical about it. My comment was more in the spirit of "Squee! I don't care what's critically wrong with the movie, I'm just super excited to see it!"

Dude, I don't care that they stretched one movie's worth of material into three. I put my critic hat away watching these films. They're just plain fun and I love spending time in that world.

I have to hugely disagree. Sure, her physical appearance is quirky/adorable/cute in a way that could be MPDG. But the whole point of MPDGs is that their *behavior* is quirky/adorable to a (distressing) extreme — you wonder how they manage to hold down a job or pay their bills or even function as a normal human being

Agreed. I was looking forward to that little hint of hip-that-is-almost-booty that they could have shown from behind. The ice capades getup was appalling.