John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

If you want to see the real deal, then watch Itchy Boots (Noraly Schoenmaker) on YouTube. She did the same journey, from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia down the East Coast, then up the West Coast to Peru where COVID caught up with her and she was locked down. She did the entire journey all by herself on a 24-hp Royal Enfield

Truman didn’t pay them when it was gutted and rebuilt in 1949-1952?

The “room was probably built by slaves”? Huh? The entire interior of the White House was gutted down to the exterior walls and rebuilt during the Truman administration. He lived across the street in Blair House in the meantime. There were no slaves working on rebuilding the White House in 1949-1952.

It certainly can prevent/cure a fungal infection down there given that UV exposure is ideal for that sort of thing.

Can you cite the statute that makes this a “felony hate crime”? I can’t seem to find the applicable one. 

It makes a great place to dispose of your used chewing gum. 



Charlie and Ewan are on LiveWires. When their doc hits Netflix surely interest will go up. It happened with the GS advs. 

Curiously enough, in English the correct pronunciation of “croissant” is “crescent roll.” 

Something, something … LeCar.

This is true. I remember back in the 90s a person was arrested for putting a breath mint in her mouth while on the train.

What would they investigate? What actual crime was committed here? Someone’s illegal graffiti was overwritten by someone else’s illegal graffiti? Do police generally waste time “investigating” graffiti?

President Trump is 8 years older than Nathan Phillips.

I assume you are talking about the Black Israelites? They were yelling stuff like “Because you worship totem poles, this is why the Lord took your land away from you” to the Native Americans long before the teens got there.  

‘97 RAV4 cooch cooler under the steering wheel. 

We used them in the Air Force in Germany (I think they were made by VW) to haul aircrew and their bags to and from billeting and the aircraft. We called them either “six-pax” or “four-pax” depending on how many passengers they held. Passengers in the van, baggage in the cargo deck.

Imagine Melania Trump saying “you can’t have it all.” What would your reaction be if she said the same thing that Michelle Obama just said? 


Left out was the data point of how many times Michelle Obama called Laura Bush after she offered her help. I suspect it was zero or she would have said that she did.

From now on whenever I’m asked to explain what is “whataboutism” I’ll be forever able to cite this article as the single greatest example of “whataboutism” ever written.