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    I need a smaller and weaker version of this with better battery life and a killer wifi card so I can use it for streaming.

    I played through the entirety (that’s like 100 hours of play time) of Dragon Age Origins using this controller while on my exercise bike.

    Your comment is a fart rendered as seemingly well written prose.

    I’m struggling a bit to understand why simply pausing the game isn’t an option? I mean, I use suspend on my Switch a lot but that's necessary to save battery. On PC I just pause the game.

    They will assume a higher data bandwidth and loading times will slow down again

    Literally the comment below this chain is hordes of folks with the opposite opinion (i.e I've never even thought about suspend)

    More likely that they recognize the fortnite Cash cow is closer to running dry and are (hopefully) focusing on other avenues of making money **cough** an actually sustainable store where they don’t have to pay developers lots of money to use **cough**

    To add to this: there is entirely a possibility that one year down the long the hot new meme making people ridiculous amount of money won’t be fortnite, so a 6 months to a year suspension may very well be the same as a lifetime ban.

    Damn. Thank you for making my realize that cloud saves are both half baked and community run.

    You know, there was a time I would have been excited about this sale. Back before Epic started doing the exclusives bullshit. I was so hopeful for this store.

    Pirate the game and find a way to mail the devs $10

    This article makes no sense. Cap being able to pick up the hammer was a given from way back in Ultron (heck even before it if you thought about it). He’s always been worthy.

    I have nothing more to add. Plenty more have already shown you the wrong of your thoughts.

    The spin here is indeed dead...

    I too have been a journalist of video games since the 70s.

    There have been multiple reassurances that if Steam goes belly up that the users will be given a way to make most of their games DRM free and download to keep backups.

    This is the same as losing your disks in a fire.

    Same here. Won’t buy it on Epic. There’s enough of a sour taste in my mouth to where I might not buy it on steam either (did something similar with Diablo 3, bought it only on PS4 but bought it used). That said I don’t think it will work. Enough people will still buy BL3 on that storefront for our votes to not matter.

    Nope. You should be ignoring it completely, being entirely complacent about changes that negatively impact a fun past time.

    I can just hear faint echos from the past of a similarly measured comment about DLC and how so and so gamer preferred expansions but also thought his fellow gamers shouldn’t be huffy and puffy about DLC as a model.