
And yet you seemed to fit very comfortably in a 2-D pane of glass with a couple other people, Zod. Get over it.

The 300hp Camry feels like it has a Prius fuel pump.  You think theres power, but nope

Wasn’t 270hp (ish) was the original hp number back in 2010 YF generation 2.0T, before they detuned the 2.0T engine in 2013 to 245hp?  

That’s why a lot of the grilles are just black plastic. They still try to put actual grilles where necessary for cooling. It’s just styling.

Yeah I’m sure all these comapines that have been designing and making cars for decades, that are worth billions of dollars never thought of that. 

Looking at the pictures, it’s clear those aren’t doors. There’s not even a back seat. It just looks like a novel way to access the cargo area which actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. 90% of the time, I just end up opening the rear driver side door and throwing items in the back seat, rather than

It’s because like many Chinese companies, they’ve consistently stolen or attempted to steal intellectual property. It’s so well known it’s not even debatable at this point. 

Not a fan of glory holes or notches in phones.  #bringbackthebezel

I agree that you’re right for most drivers, and that’s a big part of why the Chevy SS failed. It was also styled terribly, at least Kia made an interesting looking car.