
Don’t worry, that goes for all Samsung devices as well

Yet you still bought the non removable battery Samsung device over the V20 just like everyone else It shows how mentally weak the world is. Samsung took over HTC in being the Android king NOT because they made a better device, but because of a commercial attacking Apple’s iphone. Not just android phones, but all phone

What do you mean it dont handle well? It’s the second best car in its class on handling! That’s coming from someone who will NEVER own another Ford

Can’t we all just get along......, get the heck out of here with that bull. Thank goodness for the part with Maggie, Jesus and Darryl, was the only scene in the finale that got my juices flowing

Can’t we all just get along....., get the Hell out if here with that bullshit. Thank goodness for the part with Maggie, Jesus, and Darryl. That was the ONLY scene in the entire finale that got my juices flowing

I go down to the South Side in Pittsburgh a lot. This is a place where people by the thousands frequent to party on weekends. Even during the days you see hundreds of people up and down the avenue. And you are right, I see couples walking towards the restaurants or just strolling up and down the sidewalks literally

All these people with their constant nagging and whining. I agree that the show lost a lot of interest, but so did GOT. GOT s a way shorter season than TWD, they have tons of material they could of thrown in and continued some great many seasons, they didn’t, they decided to run.  And at the end of the year when

You don’t watch it, yet you take the time to read reviews, articles and comments of others who base their opinion , then you form your own based off them?  Ok people, any advise or insight you might need going forward in life. You might want to take the time to soak in what master BrettN9ne has formulated to echo our

I remember, wanted the PT Crusier to be my first car. Lucked out by not getting it as they had to put it on order and told me and my dad it could be a 60 day wait period. So instead I ended up going with the Jeep Wrangler. Had that vehicle for 8 years and sold it for 7,000 less than I paid for it. IF I had waited

This dude has some serious issues through out life with the size if his pecker. I would imagine he has a very tiny woody to go through such drastic measures of hope


Just curious, how can it be a great phone when it’s not better than the HTC U11 plus, the Pixel 2, the Oneplus5, or the Note 8. For a fact it’s not better than the Huawei mate 10 pro. How can something be GREAT, when there is so many devices BETTER?

Yet it’s still not good

Really? What about the Oneplus5, or the U11 plus, the Pixel. All 3 of the devices mentioned out perform the S8 in a BIG WAY!  The S8 is a novice compared to those big boys, all 3 devices should cost a significant amount more, but theydon’t.  Just can’t figure out Samsung fanboys. How they pay the most for the worst,

I live how these Moron Samtards out there keep mentioning their Samsung, like it’s something to brag about. Listen people, I’ve owned just about all the Notes, Samsung’s so called BEST DEVICE. Samsung phones are by far the worst devices when it comes to performance, battery life after 6 months, and reliability. These

You mean, besides the battery AND PERFORMANCE being shot!!

Good, be done watching “ OUR “ beloved AMERICAN FOOTBALL! Can’t stand these pansy mama boys trying to take part as a fan to a sport that I and so many others over the many years bled for. Everyone of those MEN on that field not only know what they signed up for, they embrace it. They, as I once did, dream the night

The headline should of read “ Now that’s some great Football “

That’s right brother, nothing dirty about that. It’s called true Amercan Football! That’s the Football you like seeing to get you fired up. It’s the type these NFL players signed up for, it’s the type of gits they dream about making in their sleep the night before game time.

It’s obvious you guys never played the game of FOOTBALL. Not talking about that 2 hand tab. or backyard catch and throw. Im talking about true Amercan knock you out football. JuJu plays the latter type football, Gronk plays the latter. The ones who cringe and complain that it’ to brutal and dirty, they play the touchy