
“the history and legacy of racial terror in the United States, specifically during the period between the Civil War and World War II”

Good news: The extent and ferocity of lynching in America will become documented and vivid for all to see, adding a horrible and necessary chapter to our common history knowledge.

Considering the people, it’s not surprising, but it is scary they are that relaxed at watching someone being killed.

I don’t seek out echo chambers.

It’s always interesting to see the dull motherfuckers who constantly seem to forget where they are.

“blatant favoritism to blacks”

Well I for one totally co-sign his actions and I’m very proud of him. He’s my new best friend LOL. You get sick of people’s BS and sometimes physical pain is the only way to get through to them. I doubt she’ll do that again.


This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

It’s because these cops do not have the required skills to dispense justice. There needs to be an overhaul of the system in which we take high school drop outs, give them 6 months training, a gun, and a license to kill.

The reward for becoming a police officer is long uncompensated hours (overtime caps, paperwork), deadly danger and extreme boredom. Oh, and the growing contempt of the community you police. Oh, and pretty low pay considering all of the above.

I can’t speak for all police departments, but A LOT OF THEM have specific rules and regulations that prohibit firing into a moving vehicle for a whole host of reasons, the most obvious of which are:

Oh, dear LORD, that reminds me of a show I went to see at The Highline Ballroom shortly after it opened in NYC. It was pretty fancy schmantzy, but there were plastic wine glasses on the tables. I asked why and the server said, with no hesitation, irony, or whatever, “Well, we have hip hop shows here.”

So good I had to sign in and laugh out loud like a nut on the bus. Thank you x100

Racist evaluates fellow passengers with ignorant stereotypes, draws racist conclusion.

As a white dude living in Valdosta, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I was waiting for the “what would MLK think” portion of article. Whenever dwights want to admonish the behavior of black people, they bring up good ole’ MLK, like he’s our dad or something. It’s just PEAK whiteness to try and shame us using MLK when they know good and damn well that they killed him and he was hated

Gay men can be incredibly misogynistic, but straight women often treat them like little accessories. Talking about a gay privilege in this context seems disingenuous unless you're referring to the way gay cis voices dominate the LGBT discussion.