
All I see is that California wants to go from being the best car market in the US to the worst.

I agree...until their equipment is stolen one night.

Let’s imagine that someday I made a huge killing on stock options and all of a sudden had lots of money to blow on toys.

You’re not counting diesal- electrics? Locomotives and container ships.

Came here because of pic of a c2 vette in England

Those umbrella strollers are a must once they are toddlers. Light and compact. Full size strollers are a pain and amazingly bulky. I rarely used the full size ones  once the babies were old enough for the light umbrella stroller

The must important thing about strollers is that when you pick up the car seat out of it, it doesn’t matter what model you have, it will weigh 180 lbs.

I saw the following in Huntington Beach, CA a few years ago:

 The hardest culture to drive with is definitely brotruck ( antics and total volume of brotruckers). Merging on the freeway, they take it as a personal insult if they aren’t in the left lane within 200yds, and heaven help you if you have the audacity to pass one of them... they suddenly decide, even though they were

Practically speaking, thus is the biggest issue with speccing a car on the internet— trying to see how the color would look in real life. Maybe Ford will send me a paint swatch before I order my sweet Taurus?

The biggest advantage rich teams have, which the Dodgers are leveraging brilliantly, is to cut ties with bad players and get replacements for the same bad players.

You mean OTHER than corvette?

Anyone who has, does, or may someday work retail should support blue laws ( have to be closed on one day of the weekend) in their states like a momma bear supports her cubs.

The magic pill to being underwater? Keep the car you don’t like anymore and you wanted to trade in, keep paying down the loan, and eventually you will have paid off the note. It is called being a responsible adult.

And here I wait, no dishwasher delivery today

 Nothing turns me off faster than the “we’re so exclusive we treat you like crap until you prove yourself to me” game that some high end brands play.

 This is one of the reasons I like Jay Leno; he told Ferrari to sod off and collects hundreds of other cars instead.

Absolutely revolting

We’re embracing that ridiculous “manspreading” thing? That faux complaint is the epitome of manhating.