
Could have been done more convincingly (and has been, as noted by APartyofOne). “Vader’s Redemption” is not too bad (but not the best), but the Main Theme reworking is lacking. Music moves us, not only by the key signature, but also by the direction of flow. The Main Theme original lifts our spirits by going to higher

“Every day below freezing” is a warm spell for Vermont in February. You’ll only know your car’s winter-worthiness at -40F (=-40C, btw) when any normal grade oil gets like bubble-gum.

I was saying that when I noticed there was only 8 minutes left to wrap everything up. Isn’t that what they promised when this was being promoted, that all the “loose threads would be pulled together”???

I can do that tonight.

How many will get the call out to Henson’s “Dinosaurs”?

What about Steam’s own screenshot function? (F12, IIRC) Surely you could take more than 24 shots that way, no?

Have you covered this lousy ‘shop job yet? It was used recently on FaceBook in some kind of scam inserted into as friend’s “recommended” post. Clicking it opened a suspicious-looking new tab with no lion in view at all. Closed that tab immediately and sent a notice to my pal, who deleted the item from their page.

“makes you thing” is what you meant to write, I believe.

These guys should never bring anything but chips as a food gift. Who are they again? Sam n’ Ella?


GRAMMAR POLICE!!!!! Run! They using conjugation!!!!!

That kinda bugged me also. “Drywall” makes me think of the sheetrock boards, but I suppose it also includes the tape, putty, tools, etc. in the system. He was using only the putty for his art.

Nice artwork, but I was falling asleep until I changed the speed to 2X.

What a shame that her return companion is not Michael Smith. That would be a much more challenging and satisfying movie (one could hope). It probably remains vastly unlikely. Space horror is easy (and surely, hopelessly derivative). Good SciFi films are almost hopelessly impossible.

Man, I’m getting pretty sick of that obtrusive ad for “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.” It does not always appropriate its own space amid Gizmodo and io9 articles, thus it ends up hanging over text and graphics that are part of the article. That’s quite like someone bursting into a lecture hall to loudly call out, selling

Ugh, that was grating to watch. The timing is so slow, the delivery bereft of feeling, it needs an infusion of Novelas-type mania. The basso profundo score really amplifies the depression induced by this scene. I know I’ve seen this movie, but I don’t remember this scene at all. Must have really put me to sleep.

Now if they could just carry that kind of ingenuity through the rest of an episode . . . . .

What does that burnt document above her head signify? That is not on the cover of my copy or on several graphics that turn up in GIS.

It seems to be lit by color-changing LED arrays. The next one ought to have each ring’s color independantly assignable, allowing patterns from monochromes to rainbows and random crazy-quilt displays.

Good. Now I don’t have to rent that one.