
And so is online gaming, so STEAM will lead those active minds to a fine service to get them started.

They came from light-years away at near-light velocity. Can you understand how that is done? Go ahead, explain it then. They also neutralized every sort of human weapon. They assured good food, health, and comfortable life for all humans. Again, explain how. You can’t comprehend or imagine. Compared to such, the form

Toy? Really?

This guy needs to be shut down from YouTube. His disregard for safety is obvious through many of his videos; note his comment on “Safety Crybabies.” When notified that a friend of a commentor died using a contraption such as one he was demonstrating, he denied the anecdote (calling the commentor a liar) and never

Your thinking is incomplete. It is more like a Chemistry Teacher telling the class “Don’t try this on your own” and then proceeding to drop the Sodium in the water.

I have been using 1.25 and 1.5 speed several times a day for many months. Most speech still sounds natural at 1.25. Some music benefits from a time warp as well, but a few more speed selections would be nice, like 0.75, 0.87, and 1.15.

Looks like a Crocodile that forgot to grow anything but its torso.

Gawker without typos? Thx, I needed a good laugh!

“The moment itself is sold amazingly well . . . and there’s enough to it that it feels like a valid exit for Clara.”

Some time out for “Connect Four” will brighten up any den of iniquity.

Blair Brown.

Here’s a type of Link-Fail that I have not seen B4.

Dwight Schrute did it better.

Bibo, ergo vastabuntur.

“Nonsense!” “Absurd!” “Ridiculous!!!”

“Team building.” “Humanizing.” You almost make me think it could be worthwhile to pick this up again. Yet many comments indicate io9ers are not entirely engaged.

Gosh, you are the clever one!

That is so fake. You can tell the footage has been altered. For one thing, it’s obviously been flipped vertically because the steering wheel is on the passenger side. So fake!

Part of me is hooked on the mystery of it, but right from the first scene and often after the ridiculousness punches me right in the gut.
