


EVERY major religion?

Can J P Morgan get into any other Great News this week?

Why hasn't anyone ever "copycatted" that scene IRL?

nobody is trying to "speak for you".

Best PhotoBomb Evar!!!

Rule 34, even then

Agreed. Each theater-goer's feelings about a movie produces one Anticitron of emotion for each dollar they spend on their tickets.

I am sure those are highly anticipated, but since Avengers has already taken in a billion bucks, and anyone going into a theater must have some anticipation of enjoying the film, it's going to be hard for any other film to match that level of return.

"This summer's most anticipated film" is already in theaters.

No one else noticed that at 0:08, just 14 sec before the mishap, she's facing a male coworker, smiling and chatting?

Agreed. That posture just says "none you all matter a twitch to me."

try Hulu. All that's missing is some of the musical performance. And would you really miss that pompous ass usher anyway?

It's infuriating how often the "-anodon" part of its name is ignored.

If you have to ask, you'd better wipe your HDD quick


"Security best practices and caution" might be spelled GIMP !!!

Video link seems to be borked

C'mon, C'mon, C'mon!!!