Is this amusing?
Happy "May The Fourth be with You!", everyone!
Legal Advice: Get the heck outta there!!!!
That means that anyone in the same room with it would be deafened.
sorry to have to tell you . . . .
I went into this beta event with a sub-min-spec machine, intentionally testing the low end. (P4 2.8, 1 core)
I'm going to guess that all of you know that was David McCallum, right?
Nicely done!
That's a pile of lore that has no effect whatsoever on playing the game.
But now what's funny is that I made you explain it!!!!!
Who could ever doubt that there is aesthetic and intention behind the bowerbird's work? Even if the intention is mating there has to be an awareness of how the work will be perceived.
If you're referring to the Ark of the Covenant then you're confusing Spielberg with scripture.
Obviously, because the Egyptians were too proud to record ANY of their defeats.
What? The Torah was written in English so that similar vowel-sounds could be confused?
For such a sciencey community, I am appalled by the misunderstanding displayed in many comments as well as by the imagined result of the headline.