
Not entirely incorrect.

especially four days late.

And yet it can only display in red and black

I didn't see credit for the sound track.

So Long, Dolphins, and Thanks for All the Carcasses!!!

Now playing

Thanks to Searhus for posting this video.

in all of this, no mention of the word "Beta"???

They are much better than Aper Fallagood!!!

Sadly, those who need this info the most will not be able to get past the 2nd paragraph.

In the 1520s Robert Thorne bargained with Henry VIII using kilometer measurements???

This explanation makes it sound like all the squishy critters went and analyzed the ionic content and brainstormed their brilliant solution for survival.


Google can easily recoup the money by firing a janitor.

Nice job, kids.


First you try to tell us the Titanic was real, now you say the Simpsons are real???

The Dream of a Lifetime !!!!!!!!!

Not Surprised.

"with the Moon about 86.8% the volume of the Moon"

Neema Toads Are Real!!!