
Starring!!! A Cast of Idiots!!!1

OMG I READ IT IN A TABLOID SO IT MUST BE TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe "domestication" is really "Pithicization"?

Space Jockey Rises!!!!

At one mile up, going at Mach1, he'd have 4.689 seconds to open his 'chute.

You mean the guy mentioned in the last paragraph?????

Hope he's not too close to a Lagrangian point for that one!!!

Where does it say "Doctor Who"????

Now playing

Really? Can't we squidge in one more bracket?

Then What Was THIS?????

If he had a buddy . . .

Soon available for the restroom

Your name has "bomb" in it. Please go with these officers to be interrogated.

Please don't ever do that again

Me!! Me!!!! I wanna sleep in ol' bouncy!!!!!

here's an adult.

Same here. Every time I see them I smile with playful joy. It looks like kittens romping!!!

OY! What's All This Then?!?

Straighten the Horizon:

Now playing

You would probably like the 2009 Syfy channel movie much better.