WHAT DID THEY SEE???!?!?!?!????
WHAT DID THEY SEE???!?!?!?!????
because they are DELICIOUS!!!!
Glad you liked the link I posted in the previous thread.
Some guy that Obama didn't like. So he popped him with an x-ray laser railgun.
Which is worse? The Coders who release software that they surely know is borked?
And they don't hatch from an egg, they hatch out of a TARDIS!!!!
"beneath Jupiter's clouds and the core"
"Hey, you got your peanut butter in my chocolate!"
Ah. So where it says "the continentals periodically increase in elevation" I am supposed to read that as "the continental shelf periodically increase in elevation". Not that the entire shelf region rises above sea level. Maybe enough that coral reefs are exposed to the air.
The Secret Kakapo Agenda May Now Be Revealed:
"A Boy and His Dog"
Did you see the skull of that 'worm'? A mole's nose is quite sensitive and I think those back-curving daggers would be a fair deterrent. Nest defended!
That's part of the "Koobiru" or whatever disaster theory. Mystery planets, wobbly galaxies, etc.