
Huh, interesting. Oh well. I find the game itself engaging and story is surprisingly decent as well (I’m level 20, very early in the game still), I don’t bother with any “Store” stuff nor intend to. I never got into Genshin Impact. But yeah, I also agree with the consensus of this article, quite questionable business

Myesss myeeeeesss!

Why the school girl uniform? It gives her an entirely different vibe and personality. I mean, she’s a tinkerer and an engineer, and not really proper. A bit of a tomboy at times. Hair color doesn’t matter much, but wth her costume?

I’m pretty much only still wishing and dreaming that Bleach Blade Battlers 3rd will eventually become a thing. 1 and 2 were fantastic. Movies or animes or manga continuation is a bit *shrug*

Just curious speculation... a theory... could Rockstar be trying to take control/monopoly of their modding scene?

I hope they stay thematic. No monsters needed, just better AI, tactical enemies, more variations (what about a poor lady limping towards you, asking for aid, only to pull a gun on you as you get close?). Another could be Player generated quests, need an escort group to defend you while you haul all that gear in the