Douche Gossage

Why did Odor run away like a bitch then after the punch? Fuck him.

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It’s baseball, not hockey or mma. JB got pushed and was coming back to ask WTF the problem was, he then go sucker punched. If a guy spills my drink on me at the bar and I get in his face about it we aren’t really squared off, we’re still seeing if it’s gonna be a problem. Another push and asking if I wanna go is the

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These dudes square off. JB and RO never squared off. JB slid hard, RO got pissed and pushed him, JB came back to say WTF and got sucker punched in the face. No squaring off as far as I could tell, at least not an NHL style square off that’s for sure. Notice how all these fight starting with someone asking if they

Nah that was a sucker punch or I watch too much hockey. When you wanna fight a guy you ask him if he wants to go. If he obliges ya drop the mitts, square up and go at it. Odor pushed JB first (after what was a legal slide for the past 100+ years) JB came back to get in his face a bit and say WTF, at which point he got

Rough Odor gave him everything he had when he sucker punched JB in the face. The sucker punch landed square on the jaw and JB didn’t even have a seat. I don’t thing Odor was gonna catch him any cleaner than that my friend so I wouldn’t be worried about anything else he may throw if that punch did essentially nothing.

I’ve been facing a lot of people when I sucker punched them in the face. It’s still a sucker punch. They never really squared off and JB was just coming back to say WTF and Rough Odor sucker punched him. Just because you and a dude are having words in a bar doesn’t mean you can just (sucker) punch him in the face. If

Those assholes chanting “USA! USA!” are the same assholes that support secession from the USA.

Eh? Until this season that’s the way people have been sliding for a century. Granted the rules have changed and perhaps the 2 bag man ain’t expecting it but jb could have come in cleats up which would have been dirty.

The slide was illegal in todays rules but dirty as fuck? Nah. Now, waiting til the last at bat of the

maybe Beltre could have brought it rather than holding Bautista back from showing what he had in second-strike capability

If you have an issue with Bautista you drill him in his first plate attempt in Toronto. Waiting until the last time you see him all year is trash and cowardly.

Dude was lucky Beltre had his back and bearhugged Bautista to try and stop the fighting.

They’re from Texas. I’m pretty sure they couldn’t locate Canada on a map

As u type from your couch while stuffing your face with Cheetoos!