
I have dabbled in cars like this all my life. Looks like it started life in Pale Primrose, a proper British color that is a pale yellow, and it was repainted a brighter yellow in the not too distant past. This gives me pause as a cheap new coat of paint often hides all sorts of horrors underneath.

It’s not turbo lag, that doesn’t even really exist anymore. Ford programs its truck transmissions very, very far in the direction of fuel economy, which makes them very excited about shifting up, and very reluctant to shift down. You can correct this simply by putting the transmission in sport, pushing the tow button,

Ordering a car you have never driven is in line with another rule I have, which is to never buy a new car in its 1 year of production.

The fact that this Triumph is currently sitting at an 85% Nice Price result makes me proud to be part of this Jalopnik community.

Precisely. I actually kinda want this weird beast. I’d be willing to pay as much as 10 or maybe even 15 percent of his asking price!

This thing is simultaneously neat as hell and no dice as fuck.

I hadn’t realized we skipped all the way ahead to April 1st, thought it was still November 1st.

You’d be way better off with a 12A rebuild or 13B swap than a renesis

couldn’t they just run the plates and find the registered owner? it’s not like these are sunglasses and need to wait at lost and found for someone to claim

There are a few articles out there on the new relationship between McIntosh and Jeep and how it came to be. I have sat in a new Wagoneer with the McIntosh system and it is one of the better factory stereos that I have heard. The most recent other cars I could compare it to would be the Burmester in a Taycan Turbo S

Yeah I was going to write a comment how its not worth the dangers of riding on the road but these folks were training ironman so how else would they do it.

If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.

“Pickups are good in the snow.”

Keeping your A/C off will noticeably increase your gas mileage.  Maybe that was true 30 years ago, but not so much today.  Similar to how manuals offer better gas mileage than automatics.  Not so much today.  

“lifetime” fluids. No, your transmission is not service free...it just means they don’t want you checking the levels yourself and making sure its serviced at the dealer. Every single dealer will recommend a replacement interval for that fluid.

Thanks. This article convinced me that an EV isn’t ready for prime time.

While the tone of the experience is upbeat and sentimental I’m sure for good reason the whole charging experience seemed like a major fail. I mean if you can’t get good reliable and consistent charging experience in what is one of the most populated and vastly developed parts of the United States then it’s a fail. Try

Little Caesars has a few things going for it:

I live in Southeast Michigan, which is the homeland of Little Caesars, and I do not find this to be true. In my area they are usually in small plazas with independent stores, and are occasionally standalone buildings on corners. It’s obviously different where you are at. 

I don’t think many people would argue that Little Caesars makes great pizza, but there are very few meals that match it at the same price. My kids are still young, and if I choose to get LC I can feed my family of 4 for under $10. That’s pretty hard to beat from a value standpoint.