
I honestly wonder if Whedon actually truly believed the things he was saying early in his career?

Definite NP.  This may be heresay to some here, but I have no problem with a 2wd Jeep.  Here in Florida we have zero reason for 4WD, but it’s amazing how many people buy into the “need” for 4WD.

I will forever refer to it as NPOCP because I am old jalop and I will continue to refuse to accept that change

Everything, really. Which is why I don’t own any.

I gotta say - this misses the point.

May I suggest that you talk to your Jalopnik colleague, Jason, about his Changli?

Megan, if “driving scares you” and “cars are big machines that seem unsafe to operate” then this is definitely not the car for you. It’s a cute, round coffin on wheels. Trust me.

I miss the trend of ridiculously gentlemanly heroes. I miss Moore. Or Princess Bride fencing. I’ve rewatched a fistfight scene in A View to a Kill, where Bond battles half a dozen henchmen while taking great care to not break a nearby expensive vase that isn’t his own. Because it’s the polite thing to do.

This, coupled with the fact that my mind can’t focus on trivial bullshit like professional sports when our society is on the brink, is why I didn’t tune in... and haven’t since 2016.

If you really have to be told not to put an industrial strength adhesive in your hair you shouldn’t be left alone with a glass of water.

Not bad, but I have a Jeep and just this morning I got in it and it started. No really it did.

The sad Nissan dealership in the background is the best part.

This was going to be CP all day long but thats because I assumed it was some crazed backyard hack. This this has actual pedigree and I would bet most older gearheads probably has at least passing knowledge of this build.


This is sad.

I’ve heard it’s quite hard.

Wow, installation of a wind turbine is an amazing erection.

But then I don’t know why that same person wouldn’t want to go for the Tesla Model X Performance.”

Sometimes it feels like you put stuff up here for us to just no dice it into oblivion

Wait....wait....wait.... Just last week you guys said C3s were lame, and the only person who could pull it off was an astronaut.

“America’s earliest astronauts all drove Corvettes, and let’s face it: you only look cool in a C3 if you’ve been to actual space.”