
I just buy old crap boxes that are liable to kill me. I don’t care for much of the newer stuff

The dangers of sound dampening and aerodynamics: You don’t think you’re going that fast til you see a lightbar behind you and/or on the road, making you check your speed. lol

I’m sorry, but a 79 year old woman intentionally going 147 in a Boxster shouldn’t be given a fine OR a ban. She should be given a medal, because she’s clearly a goddamn global hero.

From reading the title I assumed she was traveling. Boy was I wrong. I love her. I feel like she was at home reading the “Old People Stereotype” book and just got so upset she decided to take it upon herself to prove it wrong. She’ll pay that fine with a smile, drive cautiously for 3 months and on the 91st day break

Mazda 20B in everything.

My advice on Jeeps: never buy one with an automatic trans unless said automatic is the AW4.


This reads like an episode of Wheeler Dealers. (That’s not a complaint, btw.)

Front-Mid is certainly a thing. I want to see a Mid-Mid, though. The engine would be whirring away right beside the front seats’ occupants’ buttocks.

the rear doors will not be visible and will instead “use a clever hidden arrangement

I know how.

Looks to be in pretty good shape; NP, especially considering that it’s already been upgraded with discs.

I’m looking forward to it. I enjoyed season one quite a lot. I just hope they got rid of the celebrity braincrash bit. That was a lame bit.

I hope they ironed out all of the niggling bits that failed to connect with viewers from season 1 especially the “kill the guest bit”. Once was funny but over and over it just became stupid.

I want to kick the guy who said he brought this on himself right in the dick then tell him its his fault his dick got in the way of my foot.

Maybe if everyone over there stopped smoking the air quality would be better...

A lot of fast food places time the service. If your times go up on average, management can come down on the store, the managers, and the employees. No raises, staff cuts, etc.

Not shown, the load toppling over from the unexpected acceleration. ;-)

I see two potential issues.