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    Here’s a good one. Allow the key fob to open the door lock, but charge a fee to actully turn the car on. You definately won’t see me paying extra for features already built into the cars. That’s what the idea of “adding options” is supposed to do.

    Sorry guys, I don’t think $43 Grand for a sports car is anything near being cheap. Overpriced out of the box by 10 to 15K. 

    NP because you can clean it up a bit and someone with a spare Wankle engine will buy it for twice that amount.

    The Solstice is a nice car, but with the non turboed engine, ND.

    I was going crazy trying to get some oil pressure in a newly rebuilt TR8 engine. Severla people told me not to worry about it as they were known for low oil pressure. So, okay, I gave it a run. The oil got so hot it actually bent the crankshaft. Never listen to the so called experts when you are not sure of what they

    I have become convinced that Taylor is, in fact, triplets. There is no way one person can do all she has done and continues to do. Don’t care too much for her music, but my hat is off to her and BTW, thanks for saving the country from depression this past Summer with your tour and now saving AMC theaters from possible

    There is a new trend on this down here in Florida. At many intersections (I don’t know how this is determined.) the left turn arrow starts blinking yellow, allowing those wanting to turn left when there is no traffic coming the opposite direction to make the turn. To me, it’s genius. The fact that Florida seems to

    Crap! My daughter drove her Bone stock 2005 Grand Cherokee towing a 30 ft travel trailer and didn’t have a moment’s problem Going or coming home. Those people who were having problems were obviously not true “Burners”.

    Glad to see the RX8 on there. In the manual for my RX7, it is recomended that the car be red lined on a regular basis. There are various reasons for this, but I am pretty religious about it. Now, look at the RX8. Suddenly, you have a a bunch of so called sports cars with slush box transmissions, along with a big bunch

    I OWNED ONE OF THESE FOR A LITTLE OVER A MONTH!!! I needed a second car and there was some ex-Army guy who had brought it over when he came home. It was a hell of a lot of fun, until I took it to the inspector. Turned out the chassis was rusted so bad that the PO had cut out all of the braces and just painted over

    A cool idea, but in my case they pick up each thing (recycle, trash, yard waste) on different days of the week. 

    A cool idea, but in my case they pick up each thing (recycle, trash, yard waste) on different days of the week. 

    The Burners I know look upon the so called rich, entitiled assholes as interlopers and generally ignor them.

    The Burners I know look upon the so called rich, entitiled assholes as interlopers and generally ignor them.

    The idea that all of the people at Burning Man are rich a$$holes really gets to me. My daughter, her boyfriend and the rest of their “tribe” are anything but. They are both members of the “Dustfish” group which is made up of many of the original “Burners” and believe me, many times they don’t have two pennies to rub

    The idea that all of the people at Burning Man are rich a$$holes really gets to me. My daughter, her boyfriend and the rest of their “tribe” are anything but. They are both members of the “Dustfish” group which is made up of many of the original “Burners” and believe me, many times they don’t have two pennies to rub

    It is said that one learns something new every day. Today I learned the meaning behind the Infiniti logo. Infinite road, huh? After staring at it for a few seconds, I can see it. Clever.

    I always go to the local GTX theater because I love the huge screen. In our area, it’s $11, so not too bad if you want the movie theater experience.

    The class action suit against Stellantis over the revival of the Durango Hellcat for 2023 just proves that history DOES repeat itself.

    I live a bit North of Tampa, FL and it seems that there are more Jeeps on the road than anything else, both the Grand Cherokees and Wranglers. (Not to mention the various Jeep models that are just re-bodied Fiats.) I loved my Grand Cherokee, but got tired of seeing so many of them on the road.