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    Um, no. Sorry.

    Um, no. Sorry.

    So true. As a former long haul trucker, I can appreciate how he felt at the end of the day. Of course, he did make many stops to get the “kinks” out.

    In fact, I watched the entire video and enjoyed the hell out of it. The man admitted very early that he was pretty much unprepared for this and really didn’t know what he was getting himself into. Probably why it was so good, as opposed the scripted stuff we see on certain TV shows with the initials TG or GT.

    I’ll say this, the man has balls. I have been on those roads through the dessert, and they can really F you up if you are not prepared for them, which he was not. That he got so far is, frankly, amazing!

    Really happy to see the “NP” trend on this one. Anyone who has not driven a Rotary engine car should not even consider voting in this particular survey, because they know not of what they speak.

    Stuff like this was fairly common back in the day. Working at a Ford dealership, we knew that we had to be careful when we got cars from the New Jersey plant.

    Two thumbs down on the RX8. It’s an automatic. I am convinced that the primary cause for all of the engine failures on the RX8 were because of the many automatics sold. The Owner’s Manual for my RX7 tells me to red line the engine on a fairly regular basis to help the apex seals stay in place. Who red lines a car with

    If the top don’t drop, it’s not and MG.

    I stopped watching Doctor Who in the middle of the last season because I just could not stand her. This, to me, is great news!!

    Well, if yesterday’s truck set a new record for No Deal, this one is looking to also set a record for being a photo finish. Can’t wait to see how this ends up. 

    MX-5's are like Mustangs. Everybody has one. I would buy one of these over the MX-5 just because it’s just enough different to catch the eye, but still with Japanese reliability.

    I want to know more about this Covid related death. My 94 year old Mom passed recently while in the hospital. Towards the end of her time there, she tested positive for Covid 19. I personally spoke with the Doctor on several occasions during which he assured me that she was exhibiting no real symptoms, simply testing

    True story. During my car jockey days at Towson Ford I was tasked with cleaning the engine compartment of a 390 GT Mustang which had been prepped for sale that afternoon. On the way back to the shop, the engine caught fire. I pulled over and asked the man sitting on his front porch watching this to please call the

    This is a damn shame. I really likes the Fiat version. Rather that than be part of the “crowd” with Miata’s. Kind of the same reason I would never consider a Mustang. 

    Many here in the States probably figure that this can’t be too bad, considering most of the trucks here are almost rolling condominiums. Unfortunately for these drivers, European and British trucks are not like that, and they basically have a single bunk bed and maybe a TV. 

    On a recent episode of “Bangers and Cash” (a British TV show about an auction owning family), they came across an old Mini PU truck that was so encrusted with bird shit that you could not see the paint. They towed it into the auction house, and sold it just like it was. Went for damn near 20,000 pounds.

    I have owned several cars over the years that have exceeded 300,000 miles. First one was a 1990 Probe GL, nice car that just kept running and running with only normal maintenance (timing belt, oil changes). Second was a 1996 S10 Pickup. Same story. Both of these vehicles were still running when they left my ownership.

    True, but I am on the GC FB page, and for every bad story, there is a good one. If you are gonna take your GC out and beat the shit out of it off road, you’re gonna have more problems than the average car.

    The idea of taxing by the mile is not a new one, and it seems the only fair way to handle it. I am told that not all that long ago, Florida had a similar system. When you bought your tags each year, you told them what your mileage was on your car and were taxed accordingly. It would make no sense to lie about it,