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    Congratulations on getting the name of the city correctly pronounced and actually naming a real street there.

    So I’m 13 minutes into this and not a single Ferrari or RX7 to be seen! 

    Pretty sure he would not have mentioned the tape unless it meant something’ Turns out is is a definite “thing” in the world of wrapping cars.

    My God, talk about ancient (car) history. That was way the hell back in the 50's and 60's. 

    So true. I am a proud owner of a 1012 Grand Cherokee Hemi myself. If I had paid attention to all of the crap I see on the various enthusiast’s sites on Facebook, I would have run the other way. And yet, there is just something about the car that I truly love, in a way that I have never loved a car before (perhaps it’s

    Mostly agree. It’s pretty obvious that the left front wheel was just doing it’s job and climbing up the wall. Real jeep drivers do this sort of shit all of the time off road. This is actually probably a selling point for the Jeep lovers.

    Thank GOD a real car guy!!!! 

    Having survived an accident while driving an old S10 PU where I t-boned an Escalade at 45 mph with only a couple of fractured ribs, I’ve gotta say that I’m pretty glad I had no air bags. The seat belts were what broke the ribs, by the way.

    Seriously? There are trucks like this on practically every street corner in my area in the $2000 range. Double CP on this one.

    Happened to drive near the Tampa Airport today and there are literally acres of cars sitting around, all tagged, obviously unused rentals.

    It so happens I drove several of these over the years when I was selling textbooks, and they weren’t bad cars. Our cars had “load leveler” rear air shocks because textbooks can get kind of heavy. Because of this, they really didn’t handle all that bad. They were reliable and smooth riding and sturdy as hell. I once

    Welcome to my own personal nightmare. About 10 years ago I ruined the engine in my TR8. I went to the junkyard, found another Rover V8, and brought it to a machine shop to pull down and check out. Total cost at this time, about $1000.

    A friend of mine has one of those Harbor Freight tube benders. It ain’t all that easy, and you would have probably spent a lot of money on exhaust tubing before you got it right.

    There’s a guy down the street from me who has one of these under a tarp in his back yard. It’s one of his “David Tracy” type “future” projects for when he retires.

    A friend of mine imported a 25 year old Caterham about two years ago. I have ridden in it once, and determined that it is not the car for me. Incredibly hard to get in and out of, you will probably burn the shit out of your leg on the exhaust, etc.

    That front of the hood rust is STILL a big issue in today’s more modern Jeep Gran Cherokees. At least once a week the issue pops up on the various FB Grand Cherokee pages. 

    I have to admit that over the years I had figured that your backyard was, well, a mess. I was amazed that the grass was neatly trimmed and that there were no weeds growing up around all of the vehicles. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this.

    This. I was gonna say that trucks of this vintage and in this condition are fairly common down here in Florida for less than $2500.


    Have you looked at how well the Universal Health Care thing is working out in other countries with Covid? Not really helping things a lot.